RHG_BOT 3 Report post Posted June 25, 2020 Hey Survivors,We are proud to announce that the Alpha 19 Stable is out! The build has many great fixes, balance improvements and much more. Here are the full Official Release Notes, the forum bug reporting pool. Forum Bug Reporting Pool Alpha 19 is not compatible with previous Alpha worlds or save game data. New Pregen-Maps have been created and can be used. We also advises you to delete you 7 Days save Game data folder before playing. TFP is extremely excited for this release. It’s as big as the last couple alphas and is packed full of new content, bug fixes, optimizations, and game balancing. Read on for more information! Alpha 19 Official Release Notes Linear Color Space Lighting Alpha 19 has gotten a huge visual upgrade with the switch to Linear Color Space Lighting. We have finally achieved full PBR Physically Based Rendering and all of the art has been adjusted to look better and compatible with it. Normal maps look better, bright lights don’t wash out the scene and so much more. It’s hard to describe why it looks better you’ll have to play it to see for yourself. The video option to adjust gamma has been changed to brightness, so it works with the new lighting. It also has a more balanced range of darker to lighter adjustment. Lights now use a priority system, so close lights are updated rapidly to reduce visible jumps in their intensity and range. Interactive Loading Screen We added a brand new interactive loading screen with over 20 tool-tips on how to play the game from basic to advanced. The user can cycle back and forth through them and learn how to play the game better while it’s loading. It also looks better with new HD screenshot backgrounds. Improved Game-pad Support We have combed through all game-pad functions making sure everything is up to date and working and we also improved defaults like for driving. Additionally we added a new reverse directions for block rotation placement. New Survival System & Critical Injuries We gutted the old ISS or interactive survival system that blackened and clamped your health and stamina bars from filling because it was confusing to players. We replaced it with an all new critical system.All critical injuries that blacken or clamp your max health or stamina will be caused by a new critical buff on the left of the screen. These new critical buffs are clickable, taking the player directly to the player status effect screen where you can read about the problem and its cure. When you are at full health a zombie can never cause a critical on the first hit so we don’t want to hear about unfair crits! =) Once you take a few hits, or get reckless in close combat the chances increases. Being at low health also increases the chance of receiving a critical. Armor reduces this chance by a flat amount, creating a buffer that enemies must overcome before they can hit you with criticals.Some criticals are incremental. A sprained arm makes you vulnerable to getting a broken arm.Some injuries don’t take kindly to being ignored. Sprinting or jumping with a broken leg will not work in your favor. If an injury is affected by an action like that then the buff icon will blink briefly and you will know that something happened. New and reworked critical injuries include: Abrasions – The most common injury that you get in fights. They cause no additional problems.Sprained or Broken Arm – Lowers your swing speed and decreases your reload speed and weapon handling. The cure for a broken arm is a splint which lowers the time for healing. Power attacks or ranged attacks increase the time needed to heal it.Sprained or Broken Leg – Lowers your mobility and jump height. You can get a sprained or broken leg in a melee fight or when jumping from heights. The cure for a broken leg is a splint which lowers the time for healing. Jumping, falling or sprinting increase the time needed to heal it.Deep Lacerations – Make you more vulnerable to receiving bleeding criticals. They are cured by a first aid kit or sewing kit.Concussion – Taking more hits while being stunned can cause a concussion. It periodically causes a stun effect and is cured by painkillers.Infections – Infection is not something that enemies cause directly. Any critical hit has a chance to cause an infection. An infection is completely harmless until it reaches 5%. At that point it starts getting worse and you need medication to cure it. While you have an infection any hit you take will make it worse. Food and Water Bars We’ve added food and water UI bars under the players belt inventory. The blue bar is for your water level and green for is for your food level. You will see them go up and down based on your current hunger and thirst levels. HD Characters We have overhauled and re-imagined many of the characters in HD. They may look better but they have less draw calls and are slightly better in performance. New HD zombies include: Zombie ArleneZombie DarleneZombie MarleneZombie BoeZombie JoeZombie MoeZombie YoZombie SteveBig Mama ZombieCrawler ZombieTrader JenTrader JoelPlayer arms – male and female Dynamic Music System TFP have again teamed up with Native Darkness Productions to make the Alpha 19 Dynamic music system more robust while adding a ton of new content and features. The propriety Dynamic Music System algorithm measures and uses many player-centric conditions such as player location, biome, time of day, inside or outside a location, nearby aggressive enemies, threat level and more to tailor a custom movie like musical experience for the player. From this Dynamic Music System algorithm the system can play from the following musical groups: Home day music, home night music, exploration, suspense, combat and custom trader music for each trader. Exploration, suspense and combat are procedurally generated providing a complete musical arrangement from a set of interchangeable loops. As of Alpha 19 there, are 31,558 unique combinations of music. Music volume, daily allotted probability and On/Off toggles are available in the audio menu. We are very excited to unveil this system and we hope you enjoy this new addition to the 7 Days soundscape. Loot Progression/Balance Loot distribution has been smoothed out so that you do not find end game loot too soon and have no more upgrades to look forward to. Loot has been balanced to provide a smooth progression from primitive, iron and steel items. This change provides a steady progression for the player and gives some incentive to craft, while slowing the economy a bit early game. The loot quality for player parties is equivalent to that of the highest level player and perk effects like Lucky Looter are not shared. The only loot advantage is that parties face tougher opponents which have a higher chance to drop loot of better quality. There are 4 tech levels of items in the game. These start appearing in loot at the following Game-Stage intervals. Tech 0 (GS 1-11) – Primitive tools, weapons and armor including a bow and the blunderbuss.Tech 1 (GS 12) – Iron or similar melee items and armor and and the first proper firearms like a pistol or double barrel shotgun.Tech 2 (GS 50) – The best melee items, bows and armor and mid range firearms like a pump-action shotgun.Tech 3 (GS 91) – The most advanced firearms like an M60 or the Sniper Rifle. Trader quest rewards scale similar to this system. You won’t immediately get a shotgun for a day one quest.We will be continuing to fine tune loot progression in patches. In the future we plan on unifying loot progression, quest loot reward progression and trader for sale item progression more unified. We are planning on having biomes and/or POI with both harder enemies and better loot. Enemy Progression/Balance Enemy progression has been re-balanced. The chosen game difficulty no longer affects the game-stage value and player parties accumulate roughly 2/3 of the combined game-stage that they used to. This makes the enemy difficulty grow slower you won’t see high end enemies on the 2nd blood moon. On Screen Sprite System We added a brand new Nav Objects On-Screen Sprite System to help players more easily locate important items in the world such as fetch quest containers, player backpacks, spears and more. We are using this system on many of the harder to find important items and events in the game. The new Nav Objects On-Screen Sprite System, which govern the On Screen Icons, Compass Icons and Map Icons. These functions are easily configured in the XML and allow adding custom Nav Objects for Entities, Quest Objectives and Items for those who enjoy modding the game. Some of the items that are using the new Nav Objects On-Screen Sprite System include: Quest Rally MarkersQuest Fetch ObjectsDropped Player BackpacksPlayer BedrollsPlayer owned vehiclesTradersThrown spearsAir Drops Quest Improvements We have improved many of the quest types and even added new quests here are some of the improvements Quest Sprites – We have implemented the on screen sprite markers for rally markers, traders, fetch bags, dig quests and more making it much easier for players to go where they need to go and find what they need to find.Dig Quests – The dig quests have been improved displaying a projected image of a dotted circle onto the terrain showing the player where to dig. As the player digs out terrain blocks the projected circle shrinks letting the player know he is getting closer to the buried treasure.Opening Routes – We have added new trader to trader quests that guide the player to the next closest trader after completing 10 quests. This continues until the player has delivered a package to all 5 traders. World and Location updates We added a ton of new locations to the game including remnants. These give the player easier low enemy count locations to explore, loot and take over if your not ready for a Tiered challenge. We have updated Navezgane significantly increasing the playable space into the radiated zone with new roads that lead to new developments adding many new POIS or locations that were never in Navezgane before or updating cities. Locations include: New Desert business developmentNew Snow modern developmentNew Forest old housing developmentNew Desert modern housing developmentNew Desert old housing developmentDesert City of Departure has been updatedSnowy city of Perishton has been updatedWasteland City of Gravestowne has been updatedSome Trader locations in Navezgane have been moved to improve distances between traders We have improved Random Gen in A19 to use every POI possible in the game so players will see the breadth of content like never before along with a lot of tagging updates and improvements. In fact an A19 Random Worlds can have over 500 unique POIS! We’ve re-imagined tons of older locations with a complete art and game-play overhaul converting them to beautiful and quest-able dungeon experiences and added many brand new locations to the game. In all over 40 new or updated locations and counting. Some of the new or re-imagined locations include: 2 Grocery Stores2 Gun Stores2 Pharmacies2 Hardware Stores2 Clothing Stores2 Electronics Stores7 Ranger StationsCarlot_01New High Schoolsawmill_01house_modern_12house_modern_13house_old_gambrel_0412 Remnantsdeparture_city_blk_plazapark_basketballpark_plaza_01park_plaza_02red_mesacelltower_01 Changed Light intensity correction to all POIs to work better with the new linear lightingWasteland biome now spawns smaller but improved deco remnantsRemoved un-needed random gen POISImproved naming conventions of some biome spawned poi remnants and deco piles. all will have the term deco first in their file names nowRenamed bank to store_bank_01Removed un-used old tree pilesDeprecated old cover pile pois that were not being used anymoreMoved special totoz east of football stadiumMoved pawnshop from departure to rural pine forest where old small bookstore wasRemoved all non forest and burnt forest player spawn locations to work with the new trader to trader quest progression in Navezgane. Will be adding more back to get varietyAdjusted pine forest biome to take over a small amount of the winter biome in NavezganeMoved gas station 6 to outskirts of Perishton to make room for new plaza across from courthouseFixed over-sized trees in Persihton and improved city block performanceDeprecated old burnt pine cluster POIS as the are not neededRemoved alleys from Gravestowne blk improved Gravestownes overall lookOptimized Diersville city blk a littleSize and position of remnant mill so it fits to the alley in PerishtonReplaced many duplicate survivor sites with POIS never in NavezganeTrader Hugh and Trader Joel can now spawn in any biome in RWGSingle bed & mattresses POI replacementOptimized store_autoparts_01 from 487K verts/513K tris to 317K verts 315K tris Fixed Cabinets in Fastfood_04 are not lootableCemetery 02 torches that were not onWrong bookcases in bank POIBoat docks 02 collapsesBoats Docks 3 collapsesSi issue bar_stripclub_01 Fake cabinets in Berserker Bill’s Loot cover in abandoned_house_05 has an SI issue Trailer_01 prefab si issue when wrenching the car Missing support pillar in gas station 05 Incorrectly rotated drinking fountain in factory 01Survivor_site_05 has cobblestone clipping through tent Garage roof at house_old_pyramid_01 has si issue when stepped on Lights in front of the Bear Den are too bright CeilingLight04 spotlight was sideways and adjusted defaults Environment Art The Art Team has grown much bigger and they have made some major improvements including: Snow Trees – Updated to resemble thick fir trees with 3D snow giving the trees more depth and volume.Burnt Trees – Thin version that has charred bark in addition to being more performant. A thicker crispy fried fir tree that adds more atmosphere and variety to the burnt forest.New skies – Updated sun and moon rendering, cloud blending and lighting, and horizon blending.New fog – Uses a new distance calculation, allows for very dense fog and sun punch through of heavy fog. Fog now switches to a murky version when under water.Updated Textures – Most environment textures have been updated in addition to adjustments for linear color space and physically based rendering.Commercial Stores – All new commercial store POI props and loot containers! Quest through ransacked grocery stores shelves. Have your pick of rotten produce, peruse clothing stores with the latest fashions, and catch up on a best seller at the local book store. Shop till you drop for all of your post apocalyptic retail needs!Nearly 150 new commercial assets including:Hardware store shelvesGrocery stores stocked with food, beverage itemsRotten produce binsTrashed store shelvesFrozen food refrigeratorsBeverage refrigeratorsPharmaceutical drug shelvesClothing racksClothing shelvesMannequinsStore display casesGun and ammo display casesGun racksShoe racksElectronic store shelvesBook shelvesShooting targetSquare and round hay balesRestroom signs New Weapons & Items We added several new tools and weapons: Tech level 3 – we’ve added a whole new line of weapons to give you the firepower you will need to face future special infected, bandits and more! Desert Vulture – This .44 magnum caliber pistol packs some serious stopping power and is governed by the gunslinger skill.Automatic shotgun – This new tech level 3 firearm sports a large drum magazine and allows use of the trigger group automatic mod to unlock full automatic weapon fire mode makes it the most devastating short range shotgun in the game. If you like to see limbless zombies and superior crown control, this is the weapon for you.Sniper Rifle – This 762 sniper rifle has a larger magazine, fire rate, better handling and superior damage to the hunting rifle and marksman rifles.Impact Driver – This tech level 3 tool is the fastest way to harvest mechanical items. Strip down cars and mechanical items down in seconds! Tech level 2 Ratchet – This new tech level 2 harvesting tool is faster than a wrench and degrades slower.Tactical Assault Rifle – This new tier 2 assault rifle is a step above the 762 in range, accuracy and fire rate. Tech level 1 Robotic Sledge – This robotic weapon is a stationary turret with a large sledgehammer shaped pulverizing arm that punches enemies and can knock them down easier at higher quality levels. It is governed by roboticsBlunderbuss – Not a new weapon, but with the loot re-balance this weapon might save your skin early game and is craft-able from basic components.All existing tools and weapons have either been remade from scratch or had an art update to pbr textures for the new linear lighting. New Candy We have added candy to the vending machines, they allow players to have a short term modification to game-play and provide a few calories: Atom Junkie – Atom sized candy and atomic sized power! Increase explosive damage 50%.Covert Cats – Be a cool cat and have it made in the shade with Covert Cats. Deal 50% more sneak damage.Eye Candy – Find that sparkling treasure easier with a drop of Eye Kandy. Find much better loot.Hackers – These tasty treats give you 20% more harvest when salvaging.Health Bar – Increases your max health and adds 50% resistance to critical injuries, recover from critical wounds faster.Jail Breakers – Be the daddy to that stubborn lock. 100% success chance to pick a lock.Nerd Tats – Channel your inner nerd powers! Stun batons stun nearby enemies on charged hits.Oh Shitz Drops – Be prepared for those Oh Shitz moments! Fall damage immunity.Rock Busters – Jawbreakers got nuthin’ on us! Gain 20% more resources mining ores.Skull Crushers – Rock hard candy that gives you a rock hard punch. Increases melee damage 50%.Sugar Butts – If ifs and butts were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas! Well now it can be with one tasty Sugar Butts Candy. Get a 10% better deal buying and selling. New Perk Books We’ve added three new book sets, Bar Brawler, Spear Hunter and Tech Junkie! Bar Brawler Basic moves – Adds 10% damage.Drop a bomb – Sprinting power attacks can knock down your opponent.Killer Instinct – Gain 5% damage with each kill up to 15%.Finishing Moves -Do extra damage to knocked down opponents.Adrenaline Healing – Recover extra health with each punch.Rage mode – Attack and move faster after getting hit.Boozed up – Drinking beer no longer blurs your vision and your buzz lasts twice as long.The 7th Curse – The 7th unarmed strike in a short time deals 300% damage. Spear Hunter Damage – deal 10% more damage.Maintenance – Spears degrade 20% slower.Steel Spears – Craft steel spears.Strong Arm – Spears travel faster and further.Rapid Strike – Thrust spears 10% faster.Punctured Lung – slows your target.Deadly Combo – Hits scored in quick succession do 10% more damage up to 30%.Kill Move – Power attacks to downed opponents do 50% more damage. Tech Junkie Robotic Damage – Robotics do 10% more damage.Maintenance – Robotic weapons degrade 20% slower.AP Ammo – Craft AP ammo for robotic weapons.Robotic Turret Shells – Craft shotgun ammo for robotics.Stun Repulsor – Craft this mod that sends enemies flying on charged hits.Charged Strike – Increases chance to get an instant charged strike.Hydraulics – Increase the fire rate of robotic weapons.Bulk Crafting – Craft all robotic ammo in bulk. Perk Balance We have restructured existing perks and removed others so auxiliary perks don’t always have 5 ranks, as well as reduced some attribute requirements for auxiliary perks. This was changed to give less desirable perks more bang for the buck. Perception Perks Lockpicking, The Infiltrator, Animal Tracker now only have 3 ranks.The Penetrator has 4 ranks instead of 5.The treasure hunting ability of lucky looter that reduced dig radius has now been removed from Lucky looter and is its own 3 rank perk that reduces the new treasure hunting radius ring. Strength Perks Sexual Tyrannosaurus has 4 ranks instead of 5.Heavy armor was moved from Fortitude to Strength and now only has 4 ranks. Fortitude Perks Well Insulated, Living off the Land, and Rule #1 Cardio now only have 3 ranks.Healing factor is nerfed but still quite powerful, and now heals the new critical injuries faster with each rank. Agility Perks Run and Gun, Flurry of Blows now only have 3 ranks.Light Armor and Parkour now only have 4 ranks. Intellect Perks The Daring Adventurer, Charismatic nature and Physician now have 4 ranks. Yeah Science is removed and its perks are merged with various other perks. AI Improvements Enemy Break-through System We have added a new Enemy Break-through System that gives enemies random animation probabilities when enter the scene after breaking through a door, 2-meter opening or monster closet. These entrances improve the overall immersion and break the normal cadence of game-play improving the combat. Entrances include:Ragdoll Entrance – The enemy will ragdoll through the opening and then get upStubble Entrance – The enemy will stubble through the opening before pursuing the playerLunge/Boost Entrance – The enemy will lunge and boost through the opening towards the player Enemy Falldown System We have added a new Enemy Falldown System that gives enemies random animation probabilities when enter the scene when falling from heights of 2 or more meters. These entrances improve the overall immersion and break the normal cadence of game-play improving the combat. Entrances include:Falldown Ragdoll Entrance – The enemy will ragdoll after landing and then get upStubble Entrance – The enemy will stubble after landing before pursuing the playerLunge/Boost Entrance – The enemy will lunge and boost after landing towards the player Enemy Pain Stun Lock AI Pain resistance has been improved. It still builds up over time, but has been adjusted to be harder to stun lock enemies. We fixed pain reactions not always triggering. Pain now uses a new hit blending system, so different strengths and durations of pain are shown and can happen while AI is attacking. Head Tracking We have added head tracking to zombies, NPCs and animals. They will now turn their heads to look at their target. Enemy and Animal Swimming Zombies and animals are able to swim in water and at a faster speed than they moved before, so be careful in the water. Zombies and the bear now have swim animations. AI pathing still generally follows the bottom of a body of water, but when they near their destination, they can swim upwards. Added AI that fall when target above or unreachable side will also increase nearby zombie’s destroy area chanceAI partial path picking may choose lower paths if lower AI intelligence and less dumb AI will pick higher paths over timeBear pain resistance, moved pain to an anim layer, so can still move and doubled healthPain resistance on all animals and anim layer on boar, deer, mountain lion and wolfZombie Hit layerCreate Bear Swimming animationsSwim state to deer and wolfTrader head trackingZombie random move speeds based on difficultyBlood moon spawner will instead spawn a radiated vulture 50% of time if target is in a vehicleBlood moon zombies will 50/50 teleport closer or die if target player is far awayBlood moon zombies have an increased loot drop rate after every x have spawnedBlood moon vultures always see and chase at any distanceBlood moon vultures chase vehicles at 250% speedVultures can now attack blocks when chasing their preySleeper pose material and low res textureZombie rage chance scales based on hit damageZombie rage duration does not count down while stunnedAi rage console commandCrawler’s climb will exit anim early at destination, moves same as anim motion, disables tilt to ground and reduced snap speedZombie normal/fat attacks are faster right handed and slower with leftZombie hits are triggered by anim Hit eventsZombie random attack anim blending and additional animsZombie mirrored wall attack animsFat zombie attack anims Changed AI that fall when target above or unreachable side will also increase nearby zombie’s destroy area chanceReduced AI rage chance base damage to 40Zombies have more pain resistance and will attack even if playing pain animations more frequentlyLowered non bashing pain threshold to 6 damageRemoved bashing attacks randomly not causing painReduced blood moon zombie corpse despawn time to ⅓Increased radiated vulture damage to 150% entities and 400% blocksImproved vulture attack reposition durationIncreased vulture attack anim speedGreatly reduced zombie alert times when hurt or after chasing a seen targetIncreased health of dire wolf and mountain lion dramatically, zombie dogs and wolves marginallyIncreased boss Grace’s healthAggressive animals in the forests only spawn at nightDirewolf now shares assets with regular wolf and uses new scale code instead of a scaled prefabRemoved all old direwolf assetsRemoved start of crawler climb up anim Fixed Zombie attacks are triggered too early by charging towards and then back peddling quicklyHostile animals attack while electrocutedSpider zombies can still jump while being shocked (and mountain lions)Zombie crawler shock effect displays as if walkingRabbits are digging when idleWrong name for IsAnimalEntity property making AnimalCount stat always zeroGetMoveToLocation raycast not using origin and giving wrong heightPhysicsSetMaxHeight was adjusting the first animal large colliderAnimal larger colliders would shift to wrong offset depending on facing directionAI rage chance above the base damageAI digging when blocked and above but only a short horizontal distanceAI sliding down steep slopes that player can useMovement slowing when attacked was not removed with pain resistanceJumping after a fall due to blocked time accumulating during fallVultures could wander instead of attackingVulture attack origin too high, gliding while attacking and excessive repositioning if blockedAnimal attack anims skipped when rapid attacksWandering horde zombies seen sliding and not walking on dedi and P2PZombie controller decreasing AttackAnimation, UseAnimation and SpecialAttack2 playing times when base already does Random Gen Improvements Random world generation has undergone a few changes to help improve generation. Biome generation – We have made biomes random in placement and size to allow for less predictable layouts.Trader World Placement – Trader world placement was separated from regular wilderness POI placement so it could be made more predictable.Player Spawns – Initial player spawns were changed to make starting out easier for new players.POI Distribution – We have improved Random Gen in to use every POI possible in the game so players will see the breadth of content like never before. Random Worlds can now have over 500 unique POIs that can spawn!Pregen Maps – We re-created 3 brand new alpha 19 pregenerated maps to play Animation Improvements Added rigs and content created for support on new weapons and tools including: Impact Driver, Auto Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Sharpshooter Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun (reworked model), Junk Drone, Junk Sledge, and Ratchet.Added fall/land animations to support new fall-down system. Also added additional stumble animations when breaking through obstacles.Added zombie swim animations to support new swimming system for zombies.Updated 3rd person locomotion lower body update and upper-body update that supports up/down aiming and firing for new and existing melee weapons.Updated various zombie characters and player arms with new models. Dynamic Resolution A dynamic resolution system has been added that allows the game to draw 3d graphics at a lower resolution than the main game window is running at. This can increase FPS while allowing the UI to run at full resolution. Dynamic resolution is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the Display tab of Video Options. There are three settings: Dynamic Resolution ModeOff – DisablesAuto – Enables it and will change resolution based on your FPS. This uses some video memory.Scale – Enables it at a fixed resolution. Useful if you are trying to hit a specific FPS value like 60 and prefer a constant resolution. This uses less video memory than Auto.Dynamic Resolution Min FPS – When Mode is Auto and running below this FPS value it will decrease the 3d resolution.Dynamic Resolution Scale – The percentage to scale down 3d rendering when mode is Scale. Lowering your screen resolution will only increase FPS if your video card (GPU) is the bottleneck. If your CPU is the bottleneck, a lower resolution will not increase FPS. Vehicles We have done a number of improvements to vehicles listed below. Added Vehicle collisions with entities uses their mass ratio and hit angle for damage, velocity reduction and ragdoll threshold/chanceVehicle collisions with entities during blood moon slows vehicle and is harder to ragdollVehicle damage by entities during blood moon slows and pushes vehicleVehicle cosmetic slot that accepts dye (this is not functional and will be used for some type of modding in the future)Players exiting vehicles retain most velocityVehicles keep full velocity when driver exits and no wheel on groundVehicle driving increases food consumption Changed Increased vehicle damage from entity collisionsRemoved vehicle parent_part from xmlEntities killed by vehicle hits would have little ragdoll force or play an anim and improved ragdoll hit forceVehicles that are supposed to be up on blocks are in themVehicle damage amount to entities did not use actual relative motionVehicle ragdoll force on entities was invertedRemoving vehicle mods did not update itemVehicle physics not transferred when client or server took controlVehicle engine would not stop if brokenControls break when hitting esc at the same time you enter a vehicle Server administration and multiplayer config changes, console commands, etc Added support for whitelisting and admin permission levels via Steam Groups. For instructions check the serveradmin.xml and the console commands “admin” and “whitelist”Added optional “display names” to admin / ban / whitelist commands to make it easier to remember who the entries in the XML belong toAdded command “camera” to allow locking the camera in place or saving/loading exact camera positions, e.g. for screenshotsAdded the ability to search for commands with “help * <searchstring>”Added the command “getlogpath” to easily find location of the current log fileAvailable buff names are now listed when using the “buff”/”debuff” commands without argumentsFixed the “buff” console command recognising all valid buffsChanged the “debugshot” command to also save the list of currently bought perks as CSV next to the screenshotChanged the “chunkreset” command to work when run by clients tooChanged the “chunkreset” command to take block coordinates instead of chunk coordinatesFixed games hosted as “Friends only” could be joined by random people through the Steam profile page if you had not set your profile to privateChanged the “Terminal Window” window name to include the server name and portFixed the game logging errors when the executable was called with non-GamePref command line argumentsClient side cached map view no longer persist between different servers with the same world a player connects toAdded a note about port ranges for servers to show up on the LAN tab of the server browser to the serverconfig.xml template In-Game Commands Networkclient and networkserver console commands each with latencysim and packetlosssim commands to enable latency and packet loss simulationScreenshots are saved as tga when pressing left shift + F9Gfx graph #, cvar, pe and stat console commandsGfx graph fps and gfx graph dr console commands (type gfx for help, example “gfx graph fps 200”) Chunkreset console command f parameterTeleport to POI window, triggered by console command “tppoi” Modding Support (In game) Localization from mods now pushes to clientsAdded: Support loading prefabs from modsAdded: EntityClasses can be hidden from spawn menu with the property “HideInSpawnMenu”Added: Target health bar visibility can be configured from XMLAdded: Support XUi binding of CVars with specified formattingAdded: XML driven on-screen icon systemAdded: Worldglobal config fileChanged: World file processing is no longer based on file timestamps but rather actual content changesFixed: XPath insertAfter patches inserted elements in reverse orderFixed: Multidim blocks were only interactible on one end Level Editor Improvements Added: editor only command “sleeperreset” to reset sleeper volumes for quicker testing without reloading levelAdded: Disable biome spawns in playtest modeAdded: Screamers will not spawn in playtest modeChanged: Light editor max range to 40 and step to .5Changed: Light editor to remove tile data when saving with defaultsChanged: Increased light editor min/max spot angleChanged: Updated default spectrums for POI editorChanged: integrate standard localization handling for Light Editor propertiesFixed: Light editor Esc key cancelled, but left the visible changesFixed: Light editor changed tile entity color when only save shouldFixed: Light editor not removing all changes on cancelFixed: Reduced fog in POI editorFixed: Can not create a world using World Editor and receives an NREFixed: DirectoryNotFoundException from Prefab Editor from non-existing maps UI Improvements Map popup for creating waypoints can now be dismissed by clicking on the mapAdded UI scaling optionAdded a refresh button to the server browserAdded support to paste “IP:port” combinations into the IP field in direct connect window and automatically extract the port to the port fieldAdded a warning on the New Game window when the selected world was created with a different major version of the game, mostly as the world’s prefab list could contain outdated entriesFixed: Scoreboard admin star can no longer get covered by player namesFixed: The last letter of some tooltips was below the tip boxFixed: Hovering over a blank slot in a container showed item tooltips from items in another containerFixed: Hovertext on lootable/harvestable items was displaying two messagesFixed: XUi tool tip backgrounds ghost on main game screenFixed: Fog of war covered parts of the map were actually transparentFixed: Quite a bunch of missing localizations Audio Improvements All new weapons have supported audioLockpick soundsNew Trader Jen VO Other Visual Improvements Cloud moon glow and darkening at lower heightsAtmosphere ground plane below horizonSky color alpha scales outside ambient sky colorClouds are darker at lower heights at nightSpecific moon phases every 7 daysSeparate moon size, color and phase when blood moonBackground cloud layerMoon phase and color effect moon glowSun punch through of fogColor spectrums blend between colorsWorldglobal ambient night valuesInterior ambient light scalingAntialiasing Low, High and Ultra optionsSun shafts on moonUnderwater fog Analytics and Telemetry We have partnered with Super Nimbus and GameSparks to capture game analytics from Alpha 19 to Gold. We plan on capturing many things to help balance the game and improve the overall experience only generic game-play data all of which is already been covered in our EULA. For Alpha 19 we are capturing the most important data for balance and progression. Some things we are capturing include: Game simulation settingsHow XP is earnedHow players dieHow players kill enemiesThe speed of player levelingLoot Progression at key points We are not capturing and storing any personnel information from users such as IP addressesNamesSteam usernamesDevice NamesAnything that can be used to identify any particular user Alpha 19 b1-b180 Added Buffs’ icons caused by an outside source, not by an item action triggered by the player, will blink for the first 3 secondsIntersection block shapesAdded a Critical Hits journal entryBlock shapes that play nice with the new counter mounted sink meshEntity physics rigidbody uses the actual massBlock model entity enables LOD fadingTrader to Trader quests at each quest tier.Expand the LootQuantity passive to affect whole containersSuper corn can be used to craft glueCurrent POI to player section of debug panel Biome node systemTrader Hugh now specializes in firearms, gun parts, and ammoTrader Rekt specializes in food and seedsOptionsGfxResetRevision to allow resetting on startup Hotzone settings for Nav Object Compass settingsDimming of sun and moon light from high fog and moon phaseWorldglobal xml fogPowerJournal entry for stealthNew polished hardwood floorsEntityProjectile to allow syncing of spears between server and client as well as allow saving and loading of spears in chunksJournal entry for the Activity MapAnim controller SetFloat change threshold and idle time change threshold, but removed for zombies Stone axe hit organic soundsCustom toolbox and toolchest soundsAllow hay bales to scrap to plant fibers SetTransformActive updates reflection probe Console command gfx st budget 0 disables streaming and >0 enablesWritable Storage Box American Flag Version Flagpole Chair versions of plaid and leather sectional couchesPlayer stats UI shows values using tags if set Night is darker when the moon is not full Added POI name to dbs command screenshots Option to change size of FPS display Old Wild West Coffins Tough Guy Sunglasses that boost your fortitude. Found in loot and for sale at traders Allow XUi list ComboBoxes to be initialised with ints/floats from XML Allow enabling/disabling XUi SimpleButtons from XML/bindings Allow XUi controllers to react to binding changes at runtime Mem obj and mem objs console commands to list and shrink the object pool HD Biker Zombie Chainsaw/auger flesh impacts for melee & harvest.Added hits/grazes to all 3 tiers knuckles. Visual clue for text orientation on player storage crate Radiated vulture vomit attack sfx. Gfx st discard console commandSetup xml, localization, and icons for Gas Pump Remake Updated localization for Wild West Coffin helper Setup xml and localization for Bleachers Set destroyed concrete material “gfx graph tex mem” and “gfx graph tex stream” console commands “gfx st reduction” console command “gfx st” b/d/f/r console command abbreviations woodCross3x1, rustyIronCrossCtr3x1, and scrapIronCross3x1 3,1,1, multiblock variants for towers (solves issues with SI or not falling on collapse) tppoi window can be opened from ESC menu, also autofocuses search box now HD Office Chair (no new icon yet)Writable Storage Box Insecure to match textures when Writable Storage Box is downgradedNew gun fire effects for weapons that had been sharing with othersMissing tooltip for buffArmSplintedTooltipAdded new icons for new inventory management buttonsCreate digging animation for crawlersRusted Metal Roof Material“gfx texlimit” console commandMove items buttons for containers<>inventoryHigh quality water depth transparency and improved edge transparency, edge foam, waves and undulationsUtility_celltower_02Allow the complete freezing of zombies within the game (ctrl-num* toggles)Add chunk boundary markers that look like the land claim bounds box (Shift-num+ toggles) Changed Rough adjustment for loot drops. QL6 primitive items drop at GS 30. T1 start dropping at GS 12, T2 at GS 60, T3 at GS 105. You will always start seeing low qualities of a “new” tier first.Auger no longer has a low priority to be for sale at tradersCooking pot land mines cannot be picked upAdded dysentery chance when eating rotting flesh and raw meatRadiator only drop radiators when harvested with a wrenchReduced snow storm particle saturation and opacityHop seeds are now found in lootFood poisoning is removed, but some foods can now cause dysentery. Cooked foods now buff your max stamina varying degrees based on the tier of the food, up to 40 max staminaAcid barrels now have a chance to drop acid when harvested with the wasteland treasures perk Game credits are updated with new folks from the team addedSplints can not be used (wasted) when you don’t have a broken arm/leg. Plain bandages can not be used without bleeding. Sewing kits not without bleeding/lacerationImproved Light Manager light registrationPerkHealingFactor heals less regular health but heals critical hits up to 2x as fastPut skinny eaves on Canyon Mine buildingReplaced old flaming barrel effectReplaced old charged baton effectUpdated bullet\metal impact effectAdjusted some blood particles that were too brightReplaced old first person pipe bomb fuse effectOptimized Chunk OnDisplayImproved lights console commandImproved dynamic light fadingLight view distance to larger of MaxDistance or 150% of rangeMerged the rod&spring and auto trigger group modsRemoved old unused biomes: city wasteland, wasteland hub and cityInstead of starting the game with “over eaten” food/drink stats, stamina regen costs less food/water up to level 5Gunpowder crafts much fasterImproved RandomPositionGenerator funcs to allow points in water if not found on land or are swimmingHealing factor now heals critical wounds 20% faster with each rankScaled existing weapon recipes to accommodate three tiersChanged navezgane prefabs.xml and rwgmixer.xml to new namesImproved how in water, swimming and water level is updatedImproved water movement slowing and added slower turningBurnt forest friendly animals are now identical to the pine forestBurnt forest no longer spawns vultures and the burnt forest difficulty is on par with the pine forest Removed unused biome entries for legacy citiesScaled chicken bigger so it’s easier to target and findOptimized some chunk codeImproved pickup collider for dropped torchesUpdated snow tree sizes and replaced second stage growth stage with prefab variantUpgraded old plaid and leather couch modelsUpdated snow treesReduced sun saturation and intensity in snow biome spectrumBuried treasure loot guarantees dukes and ammoArmor items have less base durability. Armor perks increase durability more30% of the armor value of a piece of armor is generated by the quality levelFood/Water consumption converted to ISS v2.0. Both food and water stats increase up to 200 along with HP and stamina. There is no overeating/drinking but the first 20 points you eat above the cap will tick down more slowlyBackpacks have a chance to disappear (improved logging to show id, player id, removal reason and entity unload)Books, schematics, and recipes show in Mods tab at traderAdded commercial sink proxies and fixed sleeper fall setupsImproved map renderingAmmo piles, food piles and workstations to LOD fadeDart trap placement orientation hard to see in dim lightAudio Sources for body impacts to a much smaller radiusBody impacts audio source to custom rolloffRoll times and play probability are calculated from daily allottedSnowstorm to GameParticleLit shader and increased particle transparencyPerkHeavyArmor moved to the strength attributeQuest is now tracked before showing the toolbelt message about new questSmokestorm particle to GameParticleLit shader and improved color, emission, velocityUpdated Fir Large and Fir Medium with modern frond techniquesLights are fully disabled when turned offUpdated flashlightDecor, lanternDecor and porchLight01 lightsLens flares use less light intensity, dim with ranges less than 4 and disable at distanceAdjusted streetLamp_Classic defaultsDid a rough pass on Fall Behavior variablesBaseball bat is the T2 club, the steel club is T3Increased BulbFlare sizeStreet_light01 to shadow casting point light and dimmedLanternDecor to cast shadowsImproved GameObjectPoolLinear Color Space tree balanceMelee weapon 3rd person upperbody locomotion sets integratedLinear Color Space balanceTurret camera view to normal color with a little staticRenamed water jars for consistencyMagnum ammo is cheaper and has increased stack size.44 Magnum invoked the Rule of Cool and has increased range, damage and rate of fireGraphic quality preset FOV valuesOptimized BlockValueSpears are armor piercingSpears benefit from perkPenetratorIncreased sneak attack damage on blades and bows, lowered on sledgehammersVideo gamma option is now brightnessImproved default concrete materialNight clouds and fog now have a subtle blue tintMoon to phong shading plus ambient lighting and supports all phases and new fogUpdated blood moon spectrum to correct fog density and color modificationsShifted blood moon sprite color to fix the pink hueSun horizon light spreading and tintingThe table saw can not be crafted and is no longer needed to craft any recipesWood shape blocks like poles or stairs that were in odd places on the crafting menu are now found in the wood frame variant blockBiome affects player threat levelModified spectrums to support new horizon fog gradientMagnum model updated, points to new prefab, weapon anims, 1st person animsReduced player spawn in effect durationReduced global sky ambient saturationSpawning screen effect starts brighterLinear color space texture updatesUpdated Pine, Snow, Desert, Burnt Forest, and Wasteland SpectrumsImproved cloud renderingLinear color space texture updatesMaterial optimization and cleanupLinear color space Post Processing updatesCloud shader settings and source artHeight fog shader settingsWorld global ambient settingsPine Forest spectrum updatesReduced star frequencyLatest interior ambient balanceAdjusted Water Distant Surface shader to look like the near shaderRemoved SSR due to visual artifactsAmbient levelsUpdated fog spectrumsDefault sun saturationUpdated world global XML values Adjusted default interior light prefab values for linear color space Linear color space texture balance Chandelier prefab alignment to ceiling center for 2.5cm pillar compatibilityYongha’s New Hunting Knife model integratedReduced ground ambientLinear color space spectrum balanceSplit destroyed concrete shape into N,S,E,W segments for paintingNew Stone Axe model integratedTemp removal of fog to prepare for ‘s new exponential fogImproved Reflection Manager fix for when probes refuse to renderFirst pass sun intensity adjustments and weather fog reduction prep for new fogUpdated post processing to v2Lowered amounts of prepared food and drink at tradersEnabled linear color spaceDisabled post processing options until we can get this swapped out with 2.0Entity damage buffs store the damage remainder and use next tickOptimized 15 avatar controller parameter names to use hashesOptimized World GetEntity to do one dictionary lookupTerrDesertGround has more hit points and clay harvestRotations are now working on doorsConsistent LOD distance on all player lightsUpdating house_modern_06, small fix to sleepers in the master bathroom closetPerkMasterChef, moved ingredient bonus to T4Balancing and clarification on fore grip and bipod modsRemoved animator from steel sledgehammer and created new box colliderChemistry station no longer uses wood or burning barrels in the recipe. Instead, they use forged iron, more short pipes, and 5 acidSteel axe plays heavy woosh soundsMoved chili dogs, beer and Yucca Smoothies to rank 3 of Master ChefRemoved tree seeds from seed loot and tradersSalvage Operations now affects ratchets and impact drivers as well as wrenchesImproved entity speed replication difference checkRanged weapon AutoReload property to effect one shot weapon reloadBlunderbuss to not auto reloadSet hunting rifle and crossbows to not auto reloadExplosion resist is another random armor statNo side effects on steroids/recogClothing and armor pocket mods are named differentlyIncreased base water drain. (was less than food) Fixed inconsistent rotation on metal railingUpdating streetLight01 mesh and texturesChanged army truck to mesh colliderBurning shaft mod adjustments, can only installed in weapons and tools with a long shaft or bladeAnimal remains collider size increasedWorking Stiffs crates drop a minimum of 1 toolRemoved harvest and craftable clutter from working stiff loot cratesRemoved paper, polymer and junk from construction supply crates, buffed quantities of glue, duct tape and scrap ironUpdated beverage list in the game to include more drinks. Removed empty jars from beverage loot listChunkreset x1 z1 x2 z2 to not require last two parameters and check for huge areaDefault daily allotted for dynamic music systemRemoved item Sound_harvesting propLab equipment piles drop gunpowder, not nitrate/coalBullet casings in “junk” loot drop as brassIncreased ammo count in loot groups, ammo piles and hero chests drop an additional, guaranteed “ammo” groupCheap wooden chests or desk safes have less storage capacity, large storage boxes are tougher, gun safes have the same capacity as large boxesCube storages boxes show up in the “building” crafting tab with the other relevant crafted storage containersReplaced particles on third person “on fire” effect Coal burns longer than woodAdded testosterone extract to cigar recipePrice of paper is consistent with other ammo supply costsReduced chance for drink in refridgerators and increased chance for food. Increased quantity of eggs that spawn in fridgesUnlocked End reward chests in T1 and T2 POIsGamestage diminishing returns to a scale and set to .5 and difficulty bonus to a single number and set to 1.2Lucky Looter adjusted to be in line with the loot quality distributionBlunderbuss ammo only requires 2 gunpowder instead of 3Adjusted steel hatch colliders to improve ladder climbing.Reduced AI 1m jump distance Zombies have a faster/shorter jump land anim Decreased chance to find workstation schematics in destroyed workstations Reduced Blur shader samples by half Gas_station5 linear lighting and new art pass. Replaced flame effect on burning arrow & bolt Improved first person hands lighting when using burning arrows & bolts Reduced amount of painkillers in loot Quests per tier changed from 5 to 10. Removed unneeded small signs, street lights and trees from rwg poi list Linear color space balance on ammo display cases and gun racks Changed primative colliders to mesh collider on all cars Tier 1 quests no longer offer Armor, Weapons or tools as a reward Party size from 6 to 8. Store_clothing_02 new clothing wall racks.Utility_celltower_01 remadeReplaced tree helper with dead tree & smoothed navazgane terrainSounds.xml better tactical AR fire sound playback with auto trigger modUtility_celltower_01 navazgane terrain painting Updated flame effect on first person and wall candles. Updating old barrel fire particle effect. Campfire and forge tools have a small icon to show that they belong to a workstation Barrels are containers. Removed Texture Streaming video option and made streaming always on Ammo drops are less abundant in the early game, blunderbuss ammo and iron arrows can be more common. Closet rod and clothing piles destroy on loot Neon “Open” sign emits light now Loot probability templates normalised to 1 to make them usable in more situations Demoted exception to error (no console popup) when country can not be retrieved Item Type Icon to workstation tools. Items that cure a condition show 100% instead of an unspecified amount Updating steel club icon to match mesh changes Zombie bears drop testosterone extract Yucca juice recipe no longer needs water but is boiled in a cooking pot The stamina buff from cooked food does not count down while your food bar is full. Put a small weapon bag in survivor_site_02 Bullet casings now partially visible in iron sight aim for AK47Reworked laser attachment effect for desert vulture Boiled water does not cause dysentery Reduced excessive food value on super corn Merged heavy/light armor, all melee weapon and all ranged weapon loot groups for better performance due to fewer probability table lookups Schematics scaled in loot. Early on you will find more immediately useful ones like for a forge, basic recipes, seeds or medical bandages. Physics push to not angle down and if not on a ragdoll use x5 force Traders sell tech 3 weapons in the higher secret stash inventoriesRobo sledge YawRange changed to 170°, making it easier to place in tight quarters. Reduced entity damage on robo sledge. Increased block damage and perkTurrets affects it. Loot abundance to effect each item in the container instead of the master count Tech 2/3 guns are not autounlocked by the weapon perk. Go find yourself a schematic. Chainsaw and auger are not unlocked by perkAdvancedEngineering Slower recovery of the dynamic crit resistance that occurs when taking multiple hits from zombies Added more friendly animals to all biomes Enemy animals can spawn during the day in forests Chickens can spawn in forests now All animals respawn much faster than before 10% less resistance against stun and bleeding Blade trap hits don’t prime the demolition zombie Food max stamina buffs will not overwrite if an existing higher value buff is above half duration. Stone block destruction doesn’t fire heat events like wood or iron blocks Auto shotgun cannot use scopes for now Improved sleeper volume noise response Boars, coyotes, dogs, mountain lions and wolves can attack while moving forwardTemporarily disabled reflex sight as a visible attachment on the auto shotgunIncreased amount of small animals spawning in the forests and decreased larger animals. All small game (rabbits and chickens) and large game (boars, and deer) spawn every day or night at any time. Small game has a high chance to spawn, large game has a low chance to spawn.Enemy respawn time is reduced in the wasteland. At night, Zombies will respawn immediately, making the wasteland harder to survive at night Shotgun damage and auto shotgun rate of fire reduced. Added floats so spawning of zombies and predators are less predictable. Reduced stamina cost on iron harvesting tools Bandolier mod increases reload speed by 15% Removed candy tins, hub caps and air filter items from the game. Land mines no longer use candy tins, hub caps or air filters in their recipes. Land mines now need duct tape to craft. Candy tin mine can now be crafted in a backpack. Hub cap mine uses a nail instead of a spring Deprecated candy tins and other redundant items Cooking pot mine is also crafted from basic resources Normal entities load their prefabs and meshes on demand instead of during world load Reduced distance to backpack after death if no respawn point is set Block entities to load on demand using the object pool The object pool large pools to active pools which will fully remove pool objects and non active prefabs over time Added various scales to zombies so they are different heights Texture streaming to only use the main cameraStore_autoparts_01 updated to commercial standards.Updated lots of oldwest POIs with new artArt and new block update for house_old_abandoned_07Large Predator animals such as bears and dire wolves only spawn at night in the forests. Wolves have a very small chance to spawn in forests during the dayIncreased push up motion when player is stuck Increased chance of getting criticals on the 2nd hit Nerfed water cooler loot to drop 12 pure waters instead of 1 to 4. Player shader name to Game/UMA and removed 10 unused properties Increased chicken and rabbit run speed Command “killall alive” no longer kills turrets Biome generation now allows biomes other than pine forest to be in center Optimized Arlene texture sizes Optimized Big Momma texture sizes Optimized Biker texture sizes Renamed Arlene emissive to proper name and readded missing texture Blade trap repair cost reduced to not be more than its crafted cost Optimized Boe texture sizes Optimized Crawler texture sizes Optimized Darlene texture sizes Optimized Fat texture sizes Optimized player hand texture sizes (AO only) and fixed filtering Optimized Joe texture sizes Optimized Marlene texture sizes Optimized Mechanic texture sizes Optimized Moe texture sizes Optimized Steve texture sizes Optimized Yo texture sizes Optimized ammo piles texture sizes Optimized dropped backpack texture sizes Optimized Brute trash can texture sizesUpdated officeChair01 icon Optimized loot container texture sizes Optimized vehicle texture sizes Optimized non HD zombie textures Optimized animal texture sizes Optimized appliances texture sizes Optimized commercial texture sizes Optimized crafting texture sizes Optimized decor texture sizes Optimized door texture sizes Optimized electrical texture sizes Optimized furniture texture sizes Optimized gore texture sizes Optimized industrial texture sizes Optimized outdoor decor texture sizes Optimized plants texture sizes Optimized plumbing texture sizes Optimized resources texture sizes Optimized remaining entity texture sizes Optimized UMA texture sizes Updated existing weapon effects Light from gunfire now has smooth fade in\out rather than abrupt click on\off Gun fire light adjusted for the new brighter first person lighting Removed cntSuitcase from RandomLootHelpersSleepers always ragdoll on death Block ExcludeWalkType uses a name Bulk updated the POI imposters after concrete pass. Increased duration of the Charismatic Nature buff Improved sky fog sun punch through and to work with dark fog colors Console command “weather fogcolor” to use red for green and blue if those params not given “gfx st budget” to disable streaming before setting budget Separated sort button on inventory/containers from the window icon “Water Particles” video quality option to “Particles”, which now also decreases world particle count Deleted chunk water depth object creation, mat and shader Improved Low quality water transparency, waves and smoothnessWorlds’ splat maps support PNG again to reduce world sizesReplaced collider and shadow caster on car parts ramp40 prefab materials to use the crossfade shader100+ block entities to consistent LOD culling heightsTop tier foods sell for more dukes, and no longer have economic bundles of 5 but 1, so single meals can be sold Fixed Backfacing issue on road signsDrugVitaminsDesc needs to be updated to reflect fatigue cureReplanted missing ground under Rekt’s stairsAdded support to the waterwork’s fence, car removal no longer makes it collapseWood Black Overwritten with Wood Painted 3OnSelfDestroyedBlock && onSelfDamagedBlock were not yet functional with block tagsAdd storage pocket mod and cargo storage pocket mod to inventory crafting clothing tabTreasure quests no longer spawn underwaterToolsB linear color space balanceAnimals are not always removed after harvestWhite lines on edges of UI graphics. Collider hinders player movement saw horse block shapeImpact particles have material color overwritten when spawnedHandheld torch no longer burns underwaterUnable to harvest animals and collide with zombie corpsesChemstation emission light blinks in and out while moving around it AudioManager Play using wrong origin pos for SignalAI Trader Bob profile pic missing from UI Atlas. Handheld junk turret does not get the rate of fire increase from the perk Some objects have extremely small render distance Cars pop up when you harvest them God mode speed hotkeys not working for x and z movement If you catch a vulture on fire, the fire stays in one place while it flies around.Fixed don’t allow attacking while falling or while playing a forced root motion anim(landing behaviors) Particle scale on flaming zombies. ERR RemoveChunkTransforms !zone Stained glass albedo and transparency Incorrect shadow caster scale for Fir Medium Emissive light handling of block lights LightLOD overwriting original shadow strength Electrocuted zombies still attack while being electrocuted Fire anim is not seen when setting zombies on fire Destroyed blocks during join game process cause NRE on connecting client. Slow lens flare fade Street_light01 collider blocking flare List of glass blocks that are black Two paint textures are incorrect Solid plane showing in candle prefab. Upgraded wood planks seem to be too shiny Glass Pane is way too reflective including the frame Grass and trees not spawning on many sloped areas () Players could still be immune from a previous death at next blood moon Trees have some color issues since linear lighting update Trees change colours when falling. Removed 2 incorrectly placed blocks Global UVs, face hiding\collision on destroyed concrete set. Edge alignment on destroyed concrete set. Using turret inventory changed player camera when in 3rd person view Player model jumps forward of the player camera when accessing an auto turret inventory Shocked buff not following ragdolled bones You can have a splinted and sprained leg at the same time Collider tags using the same name for upper and lower arms Treasure quests now use Nav Objects. On perks like perkGunslinger you do not gain hit counters or benefits for hitting dead enemies Removed artifacts from plaster material The Iron Gut perk increases buff duration by 100%, not 50%, and the description on food/water is too vague. Sun shafts turning off early on sun Updated JoelRagdoll prefab with the new Joel2 model Fixing shadow casting error. Moon sprite distance so same as sky for correct perspective/horizon clipping Chandelier needs a bulb materialMoon has wrong orientationScale up basketball hoopSet roughness, metalness, and ambient occlusion textures to sRGB off for Autodesk Interactive assets Missing faces on some placements of destroyed concrete. Rockets using car explosion particle effect PerkFromTheShadows updated, stealth rules explanation improved on perkHiddenStrike. May end up doing a Journal entry on it but it’s a lot more consistent now so may be overkill. Barbed Wire block has buff issues, too large area affected Damage based camera shakes now working again Moon light intensity staying decreased from lightning Removed large scratch texture artifact Multiple Black glass materials caused by incorrect texture settings Being able to look under a water plane when above Wall light prefab set to wrong mode Green ambient values Broken leg buff resets on relog. Listed water cost on drugs fortbites and recog is incorrect Black industrial glass Clients on mp games cannot turn weather survival off God mode enabled message shows on joining game when god mode is not enabled Kicked while in camera screen spams errors and warnings in console Reduced grass saturation Dark cotton and Chrysanthemum materials in shadow Create window store set that has unbroken full panes of glass Foliage brightness fix for linear color space Tree branch brightness fix for linear color space Fixed tree trunks using incorrect internal speed tree shader to use speed tree standard shader for linear Spear stuck in ground disappears when player dies or relogs Stone arrows showing as generic bag SMG turret clips into block above it. Bike digging/destroying terrain on horizontal path and loses hp (new wheel colliders) When in god mode and continuing game you are still in god mode Rotations on some car components. Distant gun sounds not working Replaced old supply crate landing effect with new one. Electric fence wire causing PhysX errors in console Several more weapons had no sound if modified to auto fire Missing explosion on cars. Offset car explosions. Wood particles getting stuck on surfaces. Changed Item Compare to use Base Values. Show colored values for modded values in ItemInfo when not comparing. Ranged damage not updated in modify window when mod is installed. Fixed incorrect sound effect and visual in acid impact effect. Fire particles appearing in acid puke particle. Forge tool slots arranged in a logical order Fixing broken import scale on farm_plot fbx Trees grow on dedicated servers while the server is empty Illumination issue with iron and steel spears. Another Junk Turret/Mod dupe Motor tools too prevalent in their quest loot group because there is no padding M60 now has a custom collider box Wooden Bow does not require string tension Burning shaft mod isn’t toggling emissive on materials of their weapons Microsplat bleed issue on garage_5 in the wastelandPlayer getting stuck digging Zfighting on broken tile custom shape Player fall impact triggering on speeds of 0 Steel harvest exploits on safes Changing spectate mode did not send the change to other players Artifact in charred meat icon Breaching slugs destroy blocks just as fast as doors Allow POIs from towngroup to spawn in wilderness, if they have that tag Increase transparency of turret and motion sensor vision cones. Better Barter works on player vending machines. Spear vanishes on dismemberment Skill screen and quest screen now both are fully localizedStun Baton charge lost on missed attack Players can use flashlights to attack againRedo dead grass texture (hay bale) Brick_destroyed03 custom shape doesn’t show bottom face Filled back faces on animal remains Skill point cost tooltip does not always use localisation keys. Corpses starting with damage by attacks that do multiple hits Buried supplies quest do not fail if another player destroys the chest. Traders can be affected by knockdowns Fixed items sticking through the other side of some shelves Corner_round_plate shape makes adjacent wall faces disappear. Steel exploit with broken vending machine Wrench doesn’t have any glancing blows on power attack Linear color space balance on remaining ore models and terrain textures Iron and Coal boulders and terrain textures updated for linear color space Fixed mismatched knobs on versions of white house door Reinforced wood is not as shiny anymoreMac with AMD GPU has a chaotic screen blur effect Reflections on Mac cause wild issues Loot room sleepers don’t wake up until volume is triggered Zombies left standing after death for clientsOpen/close radial option texts for doors are now properly wordedSome window header backgrounds not respecting background opacity Drawbridges are no longer suffering excessive amounts of explosion damageBlade and turret traps causing standing AI on owner client Paint issue in treasure room of modular_06 Corner cupboard incorrectly deleting faces Several inconsistencies with visible shotgun attachments Gamepad doesn’t index trader inventory pages using right joystick Disabled K menu when not in world or POI editor White River Citizen quest shows 0m and points to 0,0,0 if trader is not found. Nailgun reload sound doesn’t play. Backpack loot bypasses the progression scaling Player’s own turrets will shoot player’s own robotic drone Junk turrets fall through stairs and any solid blocks below them when placed from a distance Business_old_08 upside down bookshelves.Prevent players from loading existing RWG worlds as they will be broken for A19 due to missing traders Business_old_05 upside down bookshelves. Corner cupboard culling faces incorrectly Prevent server DDoSThe perk HealingFactor works while player is supposed to die from hunger or thirst The Repulsor mod is now working Steroids add 50% run speed instead of the stated 10% Missing documentation for how the “soft cap” on overeating works. Wrong oven paint in apartment_brick_6_flr Falling window pieces in modular_03 Replaced faucet with showerheads in fire_station_02 BuffElementCold, buffElementFreezing, drinkJarRedTea, perkSlowMetabolism have no effect on food. Put proper shelving support in vic_13 Removed windowsidings from vacant_lot_05 perkTreasureHunter and/or Lucky Goggles are not speeding up treasure radius reduction Armor not resisting bleed buffs Factual and grammar errors in the Dysentery and Survival journals Wrong ingredient count on ammoBundleBlunderbuss Both robotic turrets/sledges jitter while aiming at their targets Trader setups have nonfunctional item quality parameters Robo sledge displays an ammo counter Several items state wrong recipe unlocks. Molotov now applying burning when entering the flames Fast Food 2 has suitcase poke through bathroom hiding spot Added missing bock to cemetery_02’s surface building’s ceiling Pure mineral water cures dysentery? Candle light not illuminating surfaces when standing too close to them wood texture seams on frames when upgraded are not lining up properly Better Barter 5 incorrect description False Max Stamina Buff from Healing Items Underground airpocket in Ranch03 Collapsing railing in fire_station_01 Z fighting with trimblocks and paint issue in modern_07 Applied paint to block behind comfy chair in modular_05 Adjustment to zombie footstep sound playback Knuckles harvest too quickly ( use attack speed ) Breaching rounds do not work on the Shamway safe Ratchet, ImpactDriver, SteelClub must now be crafted at a workbench Steel spear shows proper unlock info Scope mods are now visible on tactical assault rifle Robosledge does not display a ammo count anymoreBeer sign does not have a white line on texture Chest in funeral_home_01 now has loot Create world feature is functional againCan now place blocks around all lockers Identical look for XP bar and food/water bars Shovel hold animation is no longer used for all weapons and toolsUpside down door frame in apartment_adobe_red_5_flr Bar_sm_01 no longer has false cabinets Animals can not die from infection anymoreWeighted head mod is not compatible with blade mods on machete. Food does not heal after you eat broken glass. Also, please reconsider your diet. Fixed chainsaw and auger reload sound playback. Some farm plots cannot be planted due to stability Crate_storePrefab renderer was in TerrainCollision layer Gas_station5 billboard SI issue. Carlot_01 has beams that block entities Graph value updating on non repaint events First person weapon brightness values don’t match third person Player hands brightness adjustment due to auto exposure fix Back side of both flags have an alpha issue Prefab editor Ctrl modifier shortcuts overlap with other shortcuts “Path node otherHeight bad” warnings by allowing a small overlap RWG only generating 1/4 maps on dedi Tree poking through in vic_03SI issue with entertainment center in house_old_ranch_01 Removed the cabinet texture from the backside of the wall oven House_pyrimid_05 has si issue with loot crate in garage House_old_modular_08 has an SI issue with trim around the farm plots House_old_modular_08 kitchen cabinet helper blocks facing wrong way Chair clipping in medium junkyard House_old_victorian_03 chandelier is floating Si issue house_old_bungalow_02 attic furnace loot cover Salvage operations harvest amount does not scale as stated. (removed salvage harvest if the same resource is also on general harvest) NRE when trash and car share the same space Missing loot timer on store freezers Prefab Editor Able to place blocks above workbench helper block Marksman and Sniper aim to idle transition fixed Spear attack updated to prevent screen artifactsTimed Charge goes to unholster anim if ammo is availablePrefab editor update imposter function causing NRE when prefab is loaded from mods folder Crits trigger differently for clients and hosts Misspelled credit fixedChange right side header text info color to white Backpack disappears again Ratchet localization says wrong scrap material given Adjusted meshes on trim01.fbx for woodHalfPlate painting issues Molotovs no longer explode when dropped. Particle System is trying to spawn on player mesh with zero surface area (player arms) The description for Lucky Looter Volume 5 is very unclear, Remove magnification wording from reflex site Localization wrong for inventory on fill (middle choice) button CntStoreShelfElectronicsDoubleBottomGoods04 is not lootable and has no hitbox (missing TBlock Tag) Building floating base on rockResource block All 3 bows polished reload anims, blend times and weapon/player is in sync. Sniper, Tactical, .44, Desert Eagle, Pistol and M60 with fixed blends from ADS to reload. Crossbows default to a “no ammo” idle after fire. Particles in snow and desert cause major FPS drops Bombshelter_01 rwgmixer.xml update It is not possible to scrap yucca drink and coffee Copy sleeper volume’ misspelled in Prefab Editor MenuLow quality water was drawn too high in the worldBurntWoodBlock4 wad unpaintableRunning, reloading or changing weapons would not zoom back in while holding the aim buttonAiming while running would briefly try to aimMissing sign backface on street barricadeClient view distance setting ignored for player render distance Blocks with simple rotation enabled cannot be reversed with R key Prefab editor client does not render terrain sometimes Z-fighting and missing block in modern_01 Z-fighting in modular 7 Clipping tree in cabin_15 Z-fighting on house_burnt_02 Loot containers and store shelves aim\target fighting Zombies “popup” after knockdown stun while electrified Zombie electrocution anim starting late Zombie electrocution anim playing too long UpdateNPCStatsOverTime not playing damage effects (electrocution) if total health change was positive from regen POI Diner_01 shelving collider interrupts loot container Biker cannot fit under chain link pole in utility_waterworks_01 Cigar on Hotbar Adds Extra Str and Bartering Blunderbuss animates a flare from the muzzle when equipped Hands invisible when wearing Military Gloves Sticky projectiles prevent hitting blocks/zombies Perks that increase fire rate do not work until modification screen is opened and closed Steel armor parts are using same description as weapons and tool parts Journal updated for Treasure Map Journal Entry Arrows and bolts are not showing in weapons and not sticking to zombies properly Spears do not follow the entities they are stuck in 3 zombies can’t go through cabin_11’s doorway Zombies get stuck on trapSpikesNew Hey Survivors,We are proud to announce that the ‘Alpha 19 B-180 Experimental’ is out! The build has many great fixes, balance improvements and much more. Here are the full Official Release Notes, the forum B-180 Release Notes and how to opt in. B-180 Forum Release Notes This is how you access the A19 Experimental build: Right click on the game in steamClick on propertiesClick the “betas” tabThe drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THATSelect that and wait for the game to download. Alpha 19 is not compatible with previous Alpha worlds or save game data. New Pregen-Maps have been created and can be used. We also advises you to delete you 7 Days save Game data folder before playing. TFP is extremely excited for this release. It’s as big as the last couple alphas and is packed full of new content, bug fixes, optimizations, and game balancing. Read on for more information! Alpha 19 Official Release Notes Linear Color Space Lighting Alpha 19 has gotten a huge visual upgrade with the switch to Linear Color Space Lighting. We have finally achieved full PBR Physically Based Rendering and all of the art has been adjusted to look better and compatible with it. Normal maps look better, bright lights don’t wash out the scene and so much more. It’s hard to describe why it looks better you’ll have to play it to see for yourself. The video option to adjust gamma has been changed to brightness, so it works with the new lighting. It also has a more balanced range of darker to lighter adjustment. Lights now use a priority system, so close lights are updated rapidly to reduce visible jumps in their intensity and range. Interactive Loading Screen We added a brand new interactive loading screen with over 20 tool-tips on how to play the game from basic to advanced. The user can cycle back and forth through them and learn how to play the game better while it’s loading. It also looks better with new HD screenshot backgrounds. Improved Game-pad Support We have combed through all game-pad functions making sure everything is up to date and working and we also improved defaults like for driving. Additionally we added a new reverse directions for block rotation placement. New Survival System & Critical Injuries We gutted the old ISS or interactive survival system that blackened and clamped your health and stamina bars from filling because it was confusing to players. We replaced it with an all new critical system.All critical injuries that blacken or clamp your max health or stamina will be caused by a new critical buff on the left of the screen. These new critical buffs are clickable, taking the player directly to the player status effect screen where you can read about the problem and its cure. When you are at full health a zombie can never cause a critical on the first hit so we don’t want to hear about unfair crits! =) Once you take a few hits, or get reckless in close combat the chances increases. Being at low health also increases the chance of receiving a critical. Armor reduces this chance by a flat amount, creating a buffer that enemies must overcome before they can hit you with criticals.Some criticals are incremental. A sprained arm makes you vulnerable to getting a broken arm.Some injuries don’t take kindly to being ignored. Sprinting or jumping with a broken leg will not work in your favor. If an injury is affected by an action like that then the buff icon will blink briefly and you will know that something happened. New and reworked critical injuries include: Abrasions – The most common injury that you get in fights. They cause no additional problems.Sprained or Broken Arm – Lowers your swing speed and decreases your reload speed and weapon handling. The cure for a broken arm is a splint which lowers the time for healing. Power attacks or ranged attacks increase the time needed to heal it.Sprained or Broken Leg – Lowers your mobility and jump height. You can get a sprained or broken leg in a melee fight or when jumping from heights. The cure for a broken leg is a splint which lowers the time for healing. Jumping, falling or sprinting increase the time needed to heal it.Deep Lacerations – Make you more vulnerable to receiving bleeding criticals. They are cured by a first aid kit or sewing kit.Concussion – Taking more hits while being stunned can cause a concussion. It periodically causes a stun effect and is cured by painkillers.Infections – Infection is not something that enemies cause directly. Any critical hit has a chance to cause an infection. An infection is completely harmless until it reaches 5%. At that point it starts getting worse and you need medication to cure it. While you have an infection any hit you take will make it worse. Food and Water Bars We’ve added food and water UI bars under the players belt inventory. The blue bar is for your water level and green for is for your food level. You will see them go up and down based on your current hunger and thirst levels. HD Characters We have overhauled and re-imagined many of the characters in HD. They may look better but they have less draw calls and are slightly better in performance. New HD zombies include: Zombie ArleneZombie DarleneZombie MarleneZombie BoeZombie JoeZombie MoeZombie YoZombie SteveBig Mama ZombieCrawler ZombieTrader JenTrader JoelPlayer arms – male and female Dynamic Music System TFP have again teamed up with Native Darkness Productions to make the Alpha 19 Dynamic music system more robust while adding a ton of new content and features. The propriety Dynamic Music System algorithm measures and uses many player-centric conditions such as player location, biome, time of day, inside or outside a location, nearby aggressive enemies, threat level and more to tailor a custom movie like musical experience for the player. From this Dynamic Music System algorithm the system can play from the following musical groups: Home day music, home night music, exploration, suspense, combat and custom trader music for each trader. Exploration, suspense and combat are procedurally generated providing a complete musical arrangement from a set of interchangeable loops. As of Alpha 19 there, are 31,558 unique combinations of music. Music volume, daily allotted probability and On/Off toggles are available in the audio menu. We are very excited to unveil this system and we hope you enjoy this new addition to the 7 Days soundscape. Loot Progression/Balance Loot distribution has been smoothed out so that you do not find end game loot too soon and have no more upgrades to look forward to. Loot has been balanced to provide a smooth progression from primitive, iron and steel items. This change provides a steady progression for the player and gives some incentive to craft, while slowing the economy a bit early game. The loot quality for player parties is equivalent to that of the highest level player and perk effects like Lucky Looter are not shared. The only loot advantage is that parties face tougher opponents which have a higher chance to drop loot of better quality. There are 4 tech levels of items in the game. These start appearing in loot at the following Game-Stage intervals. Tech 0 (GS 1-11) – Primitive tools, weapons and armor including a bow and the blunderbuss.Tech 1 (GS 12) – Iron or similar melee items and armor and and the first proper firearms like a pistol or double barrel shotgun.Tech 2 (GS 50) – The best melee items, bows and armor and mid range firearms like a pump-action shotgun.Tech 3 (GS 91) – The most advanced firearms like an M60 or the Sniper Rifle. Trader quest rewards scale similar to this system. You won’t immediately get a shotgun for a day one quest.We will be continuing to fine tune loot progression in patches. In the future we plan on unifying loot progression, quest loot reward progression and trader for sale item progression more unified. We are planning on having biomes and/or POI with both harder enemies and better loot. Enemy Progression/Balance Enemy progression has been re-balanced. The chosen game difficulty no longer affects the game-stage value and player parties accumulate roughly 2/3 of the combined game-stage that they used to. This makes the enemy difficulty grow slower you won’t see high end enemies on the 2nd blood moon. On Screen Sprite System We added a brand new Nav Objects On-Screen Sprite System to help players more easily locate important items in the world such as fetch quest containers, player backpacks, spears and more. We are using this system on many of the harder to find important items and events in the game. The new Nav Objects On-Screen Sprite System, which govern the On Screen Icons, Compass Icons and Map Icons. These functions are easily configured in the XML and allow adding custom Nav Objects for Entities, Quest Objectives and Items for those who enjoy modding the game. Some of the items that are using the new Nav Objects On-Screen Sprite System include: Quest Rally MarkersQuest Fetch ObjectsDropped Player BackpacksPlayer BedrollsPlayer owned vehiclesTradersThrown spearsAir Drops Quest Improvements We have improved many of the quest types and even added new quests here are some of the improvements Quest Sprites – We have implemented the on screen sprite markers for rally markers, traders, fetch bags, dig quests and more making it much easier for players to go where they need to go and find what they need to find.Dig Quests – The dig quests have been improved displaying a projected image of a dotted circle onto the terrain showing the player where to dig. As the player digs out terrain blocks the projected circle shrinks letting the player know he is getting closer to the buried treasure.Opening Routes – We have added new trader to trader quests that guide the player to the next closest trader after completing 10 quests. This continues until the player has delivered a package to all 5 traders. World and Location updates We added a ton of new locations to the game including remnants. These give the player easier low enemy count locations to explore, loot and take over if your not ready for a Tiered challenge. We have updated Navezgane significantly increasing the playable space into the radiated zone with new roads that lead to new developments adding many new POIS or locations that were never in Navezgane before or updating cities. Locations include: New Desert business developmentNew Snow modern developmentNew Forest old housing developmentNew Desert modern housing developmentNew Desert old housing developmentDesert City of Departure has been updatedSnowy city of Perishton has been updatedWasteland City of Gravestowne has been updatedSome Trader locations in Navezgane have been moved to improve distances between traders We have improved Random Gen in A19 to use every POI possible in the game so players will see the breadth of content like never before along with a lot of tagging updates and improvements. In fact an A19 Random Worlds can have over 500 unique POIS! We’ve re-imagined tons of older locations with a complete art and game-play overhaul converting them to beautiful and quest-able dungeon experiences and added many brand new locations to the game. In all over 40 new or updated locations and counting. Some of the new or re-imagined locations include: 2 Grocery Stores2 Gun Stores2 Pharmacies2 Hardware Stores2 Clothing Stores2 Electronics Stores7 Ranger StationsCarlot_01New High Schoolsawmill_01house_modern_12house_modern_13house_old_gambrel_0412 Remnantsdeparture_city_blk_plazapark_basketballpark_plaza_01park_plaza_02red_mesacelltower_01 Changed Light intensity correction to all POIs to work better with the new linear lightingWasteland biome now spawns smaller but improved deco remnantsRemoved un-needed random gen POISImproved naming conventions of some biome spawned poi remnants and deco piles. all will have the term deco first in their file names nowRenamed bank to store_bank_01Removed un-used old tree pilesDeprecated old cover pile pois that were not being used anymoreMoved special totoz east of football stadiumMoved pawnshop from departure to rural pine forest where old small bookstore wasRemoved all non forest and burnt forest player spawn locations to work with the new trader to trader quest progression in Navezgane. Will be adding more back to get varietyAdjusted pine forest biome to take over a small amount of the winter biome in NavezganeMoved gas station 6 to outskirts of Perishton to make room for new plaza across from courthouseFixed over-sized trees in Persihton and improved city block performanceDeprecated old burnt pine cluster POIS as the are not neededRemoved alleys from Gravestowne blk improved Gravestownes overall lookOptimized Diersville city blk a littleSize and position of remnant mill so it fits to the alley in PerishtonReplaced many duplicate survivor sites with POIS never in NavezganeTrader Hugh and Trader Joel can now spawn in any biome in RWGSingle bed & mattresses POI replacementOptimized store_autoparts_01 from 487K verts/513K tris to 317K verts 315K tris Fixed Cabinets in Fastfood_04 are not lootableCemetery 02 torches that were not onWrong bookcases in bank POIBoat docks 02 collapsesBoats Docks 3 collapsesSi issue bar_stripclub_01 Fake cabinets in Berserker Bill’s Loot cover in abandoned_house_05 has an SI issue Trailer_01 prefab si issue when wrenching the car Missing support pillar in gas station 05 Incorrectly rotated drinking fountain in factory 01Survivor_site_05 has cobblestone clipping through tent Garage roof at house_old_pyramid_01 has si issue when stepped on Lights in front of the Bear Den are too bright CeilingLight04 spotlight was sideways and adjusted defaults Environment Art The Art Team has grown much bigger and they have made some major improvements including: Snow Trees – Updated to resemble thick fir trees with 3D snow giving the trees more depth and volume.Burnt Trees – Thin version that has charred bark in addition to being more performant. A thicker crispy fried fir tree that adds more atmosphere and variety to the burnt forest.New skies – Updated sun and moon rendering, cloud blending and lighting, and horizon blending.New fog – Uses a new distance calculation, allows for very dense fog and sun punch through of heavy fog. Fog now switches to a murky version when under water.Updated Textures – Most environment textures have been updated in addition to adjustments for linear color space and physically based rendering.Commercial Stores – All new commercial store POI props and loot containers! Quest through ransacked grocery stores shelves. Have your pick of rotten produce, peruse clothing stores with the latest fashions, and catch up on a best seller at the local book store. Shop till you drop for all of your post apocalyptic retail needs!Nearly 150 new commercial assets including:Hardware store shelvesGrocery stores stocked with food, beverage itemsRotten produce binsTrashed store shelvesFrozen food refrigeratorsBeverage refrigeratorsPharmaceutical drug shelvesClothing racksClothing shelvesMannequinsStore display casesGun and ammo display casesGun racksShoe racksElectronic store shelvesBook shelvesShooting targetSquare and round hay balesRestroom signs New Weapons & Items We added several new tools and weapons: Tech level 3 – we’ve added a whole new line of weapons to give you the firepower you will need to face future special infected, bandits and more! Desert Vulture – This .44 magnum caliber pistol packs some serious stopping power and is governed by the gunslinger skill.Automatic shotgun – This new tech level 3 firearm sports a large drum magazine and allows use of the trigger group automatic mod to unlock full automatic weapon fire mode makes it the most devastating short range shotgun in the game. If you like to see limbless zombies and superior crown control, this is the weapon for you.Sniper Rifle – This 762 sniper rifle has a larger magazine, fire rate, better handling and superior damage to the hunting rifle and marksman rifles.Impact Driver – This tech level 3 tool is the fastest way to harvest mechanical items. Strip down cars and mechanical items down in seconds! Tech level 2 Ratchet – This new tech level 2 harvesting tool is faster than a wrench and degrades slower.Tactical Assault Rifle – This new tier 2 assault rifle is a step above the 762 in range, accuracy and fire rate. Tech level 1 Robotic Sledge – This robotic weapon is a stationary turret with a large sledgehammer shaped pulverizing arm that punches enemies and can knock them down easier at higher quality levels. It is governed by roboticsBlunderbuss – Not a new weapon, but with the loot re-balance this weapon might save your skin early game and is craft-able from basic components.All existing tools and weapons have either been remade from scratch or had an art update to pbr textures for the new linear lighting. New Candy We have added candy to the vending machines, they allow players to have a short term modification to game-play and provide a few calories: Atom Junkie – Atom sized candy and atomic sized power! Increase explosive damage 50%.Covert Cats – Be a cool cat and have it made in the shade with Covert Cats. Deal 50% more sneak damage.Eye Candy – Find that sparkling treasure easier with a drop of Eye Kandy. Find much better loot.Hackers – These tasty treats give you 20% more harvest when salvaging.Health Bar – Increases your max health and adds 50% resistance to critical injuries, recover from critical wounds faster.Jail Breakers – Be the daddy to that stubborn lock. 100% success chance to pick a lock.Nerd Tats – Channel your inner nerd powers! Stun batons stun nearby enemies on charged hits.Oh Shitz Drops – Be prepared for those Oh Shitz moments! Fall damage immunity.Rock Busters – Jawbreakers got nuthin’ on us! Gain 20% more resources mining ores.Skull Crushers – Rock hard candy that gives you a rock hard punch. Increases melee damage 50%.Sugar Butts – If ifs and butts were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas! Well now it can be with one tasty Sugar Butts Candy. Get a 10% better deal buying and selling. New Perk Books We’ve added three new book sets, Bar Brawler, Spear Hunter and Tech Junkie! Bar Brawler Basic moves – Adds 10% damage.Drop a bomb – Sprinting power attacks can knock down your opponent.Killer Instinct – Gain 5% damage with each kill up to 15%.Finishing Moves -Do extra damage to knocked down opponents.Adrenaline Healing – Recover extra health with each punch.Rage mode – Attack and move faster after getting hit.Boozed up – Drinking beer no longer blurs your vision and your buzz lasts twice as long.The 7th Curse – The 7th unarmed strike in a short time deals 300% damage. Spear Hunter Damage – deal 10% more damage.Maintenance – Spears degrade 20% slower.Steel Spears – Craft steel spears.Strong Arm – Spears travel faster and further.Rapid Strike – Thrust spears 10% faster.Punctured Lung – slows your target.Deadly Combo – Hits scored in quick succession do 10% more damage up to 30%.Kill Move – Power attacks to downed opponents do 50% more damage. Tech Junkie Robotic Damage – Robotics do 10% more damage.Maintenance – Robotic weapons degrade 20% slower.AP Ammo – Craft AP ammo for robotic weapons.Robotic Turret Shells – Craft shotgun ammo for robotics.Stun Repulsor – Craft this mod that sends enemies flying on charged hits.Charged Strike – Increases chance to get an instant charged strike.Hydraulics – Increase the fire rate of robotic weapons.Bulk Crafting – Craft all robotic ammo in bulk. Perk Balance We have restructured existing perks and removed others so auxiliary perks don’t always have 5 ranks, as well as reduced some attribute requirements for auxiliary perks. This was changed to give less desirable perks more bang for the buck. Perception Perks Lockpicking, The Infiltrator, Animal Tracker now only have 3 ranks.The Penetrator has 4 ranks instead of 5.The treasure hunting ability of lucky looter that reduced dig radius has now been removed from Lucky looter and is its own 3 rank perk that reduces the new treasure hunting radius ring. Strength Perks Sexual Tyrannosaurus has 4 ranks instead of 5.Heavy armor was moved from Fortitude to Strength and now only has 4 ranks. Fortitude Perks Well Insulated, Living off the Land, and Rule #1 Cardio now only have 3 ranks.Healing factor is nerfed but still quite powerful, and now heals the new critical injuries faster with each rank. Agility Perks Run and Gun, Flurry of Blows now only have 3 ranks.Light Armor and Parkour now only have 4 ranks. Intellect Perks The Daring Adventurer, Charismatic nature and Physician now have 4 ranks. Yeah Science is removed and its perks are merged with various other perks. AI Improvements Enemy Break-through System We have added a new Enemy Break-through System that gives enemies random animation probabilities when enter the scene after breaking through a door, 2-meter opening or monster closet. These entrances improve the overall immersion and break the normal cadence of game-play improving the combat. Entrances include:Ragdoll Entrance – The enemy will ragdoll through the opening and then get upStubble Entrance – The enemy will stubble through the opening before pursuing the playerLunge/Boost Entrance – The enemy will lunge and boost through the opening towards the player Enemy Falldown System We have added a new Enemy Falldown System that gives enemies random animation probabilities when enter the scene when falling from heights of 2 or more meters. These entrances improve the overall immersion and break the normal cadence of game-play improving the combat. Entrances include:Falldown Ragdoll Entrance – The enemy will ragdoll after landing and then get upStubble Entrance – The enemy will stubble after landing before pursuing the playerLunge/Boost Entrance – The enemy will lunge and boost after landing towards the player Enemy Pain Stun Lock AI Pain resistance has been improved. It still builds up over time, but has been adjusted to be harder to stun lock enemies. We fixed pain reactions not always triggering. Pain now uses a new hit blending system, so different strengths and durations of pain are shown and can happen while AI is attacking. Head Tracking We have added head tracking to zombies, NPCs and animals. They will now turn their heads to look at their target. Enemy and Animal Swimming Zombies and animals are able to swim in water and at a faster speed than they moved before, so be careful in the water. Zombies and the bear now have swim animations. AI pathing still generally follows the bottom of a body of water, but when they near their destination, they can swim upwards. Added AI that fall when target above or unreachable side will also increase nearby zombie’s destroy area chanceAI partial path picking may choose lower paths if lower AI intelligence and less dumb AI will pick higher paths over timeBear pain resistance, moved pain to an anim layer, so can still move and doubled healthPain resistance on all animals and anim layer on boar, deer, mountain lion and wolfZombie Hit layerCreate Bear Swimming animationsSwim state to deer and wolfTrader head trackingZombie random move speeds based on difficultyBlood moon spawner will instead spawn a radiated vulture 50% of time if target is in a vehicleBlood moon zombies will 50/50 teleport closer or die if target player is far awayBlood moon zombies have an increased loot drop rate after every x have spawnedBlood moon vultures always see and chase at any distanceBlood moon vultures chase vehicles at 250% speedVultures can now attack blocks when chasing their preySleeper pose material and low res textureZombie rage chance scales based on hit damageZombie rage duration does not count down while stunnedAi rage console commandCrawler’s climb will exit anim early at destination, moves same as anim motion, disables tilt to ground and reduced snap speedZombie normal/fat attacks are faster right handed and slower with leftZombie hits are triggered by anim Hit eventsZombie random attack anim blending and additional animsZombie mirrored wall attack animsFat zombie attack anims Changed AI that fall when target above or unreachable side will also increase nearby zombie’s destroy area chanceReduced AI rage chance base damage to 40Zombies have more pain resistance and will attack even if playing pain animations more frequentlyLowered non bashing pain threshold to 6 damageRemoved bashing attacks randomly not causing painReduced blood moon zombie corpse despawn time to ⅓Increased radiated vulture damage to 150% entities and 400% blocksImproved vulture attack reposition durationIncreased vulture attack anim speedGreatly reduced zombie alert times when hurt or after chasing a seen targetIncreased health of dire wolf and mountain lion dramatically, zombie dogs and wolves marginallyIncreased boss Grace’s healthAggressive animals in the forests only spawn at nightDirewolf now shares assets with regular wolf and uses new scale code instead of a scaled prefabRemoved all old direwolf assetsRemoved start of crawler climb up anim Fixed Zombie attacks are triggered too early by charging towards and then back peddling quicklyHostile animals attack while electrocutedSpider zombies can still jump while being shocked (and mountain lions)Zombie crawler shock effect displays as if walkingRabbits are digging when idleWrong name for IsAnimalEntity property making AnimalCount stat always zeroGetMoveToLocation raycast not using origin and giving wrong heightPhysicsSetMaxHeight was adjusting the first animal large colliderAnimal larger colliders would shift to wrong offset depending on facing directionAI rage chance above the base damageAI digging when blocked and above but only a short horizontal distanceAI sliding down steep slopes that player can useMovement slowing when attacked was not removed with pain resistanceJumping after a fall due to blocked time accumulating during fallVultures could wander instead of attackingVulture attack origin too high, gliding while attacking and excessive repositioning if blockedAnimal attack anims skipped when rapid attacksWandering horde zombies seen sliding and not walking on dedi and P2PZombie controller decreasing AttackAnimation, UseAnimation and SpecialAttack2 playing times when base already does Random Gen Improvements Random world generation has undergone a few changes to help improve generation. Biome generation – We have made biomes random in placement and size to allow for less predictable layouts.Trader World Placement – Trader world placement was separated from regular wilderness POI placement so it could be made more predictable.Player Spawns – Initial player spawns were changed to make starting out easier for new players.POI Distribution – We have improved Random Gen in to use every POI possible in the game so players will see the breadth of content like never before. Random Worlds can now have over 500 unique POIs that can spawn!Pregen Maps – We re-created 3 brand new alpha 19 pregenerated maps to play Animation Improvements Added rigs and content created for support on new weapons and tools including: Impact Driver, Auto Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Sharpshooter Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun (reworked model), Junk Drone, Junk Sledge, and Ratchet.Added fall/land animations to support new fall-down system. Also added additional stumble animations when breaking through obstacles.Added zombie swim animations to support new swimming system for zombies.Updated 3rd person locomotion lower body update and upper-body update that supports up/down aiming and firing for new and existing melee weapons.Updated various zombie characters and player arms with new models. Dynamic Resolution A dynamic resolution system has been added that allows the game to draw 3d graphics at a lower resolution than the main game window is running at. This can increase FPS while allowing the UI to run at full resolution. Dynamic resolution is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the Display tab of Video Options. There are three settings: Dynamic Resolution ModeOff – DisablesAuto – Enables it and will change resolution based on your FPS. This uses some video memory.Scale – Enables it at a fixed resolution. Useful if you are trying to hit a specific FPS value like 60 and prefer a constant resolution. This uses less video memory than Auto.Dynamic Resolution Min FPS – When Mode is Auto and running below this FPS value it will decrease the 3d resolution.Dynamic Resolution Scale – The percentage to scale down 3d rendering when mode is Scale. Lowering your screen resolution will only increase FPS if your video card (GPU) is the bottleneck. If your CPU is the bottleneck, a lower resolution will not increase FPS. Vehicles We have done a number of improvements to vehicles listed below. Added Vehicle collisions with entities uses their mass ratio and hit angle for damage, velocity reduction and ragdoll threshold/chanceVehicle collisions with entities during blood moon slows vehicle and is harder to ragdollVehicle damage by entities during blood moon slows and pushes vehicleVehicle cosmetic slot that accepts dye (this is not functional and will be used for some type of modding in the future)Players exiting vehicles retain most velocityVehicles keep full velocity when driver exits and no wheel on groundVehicle driving increases food consumption Changed Increased vehicle damage from entity collisionsRemoved vehicle parent_part from xmlEntities killed by vehicle hits would have little ragdoll force or play an anim and improved ragdoll hit forceVehicles that are supposed to be up on blocks are in themVehicle damage amount to entities did not use actual relative motionVehicle ragdoll force on entities was invertedRemoving vehicle mods did not update itemVehicle physics not transferred when client or server took controlVehicle engine would not stop if brokenControls break when hitting esc at the same time you enter a vehicle Server administration and multiplayer config changes, console commands, etc Added support for whitelisting and admin permission levels via Steam Groups. For instructions check the serveradmin.xml and the console commands “admin” and “whitelist”Added optional “display names” to admin / ban / whitelist commands to make it easier to remember who the entries in the XML belong toAdded command “camera” to allow locking the camera in place or saving/loading exact camera positions, e.g. for screenshotsAdded the ability to search for commands with “help * <searchstring>”Added the command “getlogpath” to easily find location of the current log fileAvailable buff names are now listed when using the “buff”/”debuff” commands without argumentsFixed the “buff” console command recognising all valid buffsChanged the “debugshot” command to also save the list of currently bought perks as CSV next to the screenshotChanged the “chunkreset” command to work when run by clients tooChanged the “chunkreset” command to take block coordinates instead of chunk coordinatesFixed games hosted as “Friends only” could be joined by random people through the Steam profile page if you had not set your profile to privateChanged the “Terminal Window” window name to include the server name and portFixed the game logging errors when the executable was called with non-GamePref command line argumentsClient side cached map view no longer persist between different servers with the same world a player connects toAdded a note about port ranges for servers to show up on the LAN tab of the server browser to the serverconfig.xml template In-Game Commands Networkclient and networkserver console commands each with latencysim and packetlosssim commands to enable latency and packet loss simulationScreenshots are saved as tga when pressing left shift + F9Gfx graph #, cvar, pe and stat console commandsGfx graph fps and gfx graph dr console commands (type gfx for help, example “gfx graph fps 200”) Chunkreset console command f parameterTeleport to POI window, triggered by console command “tppoi” Modding Support (In game) Localization from mods now pushes to clientsAdded: Support loading prefabs from modsAdded: EntityClasses can be hidden from spawn menu with the property “HideInSpawnMenu”Added: Target health bar visibility can be configured from XMLAdded: Support XUi binding of CVars with specified formattingAdded: XML driven on-screen icon systemAdded: Worldglobal config fileChanged: World file processing is no longer based on file timestamps but rather actual content changesFixed: XPath insertAfter patches inserted elements in reverse orderFixed: Multidim blocks were only interactible on one end Level Editor Improvements Added: editor only command “sleeperreset” to reset sleeper volumes for quicker testing without reloading levelAdded: Disable biome spawns in playtest modeAdded: Screamers will not spawn in playtest modeChanged: Light editor max range to 40 and step to .5Changed: Light editor to remove tile data when saving with defaultsChanged: Increased light editor min/max spot angleChanged: Updated default spectrums for POI editorChanged: integrate standard localization handling for Light Editor propertiesFixed: Light editor Esc key cancelled, but left the visible changesFixed: Light editor changed tile entity color when only save shouldFixed: Light editor not removing all changes on cancelFixed: Reduced fog in POI editorFixed: Can not create a world using World Editor and receives an NREFixed: DirectoryNotFoundException from Prefab Editor from non-existing maps UI Improvements Map popup for creating waypoints can now be dismissed by clicking on the mapAdded UI scaling optionAdded a refresh button to the server browserAdded support to paste “IP:port” combinations into the IP field in direct connect window and automatically extract the port to the port fieldAdded a warning on the New Game window when the selected world was created with a different major version of the game, mostly as the world’s prefab list could contain outdated entriesFixed: Scoreboard admin star can no longer get covered by player namesFixed: The last letter of some tooltips was below the tip boxFixed: Hovering over a blank slot in a container showed item tooltips from items in another containerFixed: Hovertext on lootable/harvestable items was displaying two messagesFixed: XUi tool tip backgrounds ghost on main game screenFixed: Fog of war covered parts of the map were actually transparentFixed: Quite a bunch of missing localizations Audio Improvements All new weapons have supported audioLockpick soundsNew Trader Jen VO Other Visual Improvements Cloud moon glow and darkening at lower heightsAtmosphere ground plane below horizonSky color alpha scales outside ambient sky colorClouds are darker at lower heights at nightSpecific moon phases every 7 daysSeparate moon size, color and phase when blood moonBackground cloud layerMoon phase and color effect moon glowSun punch through of fogColor spectrums blend between colorsWorldglobal ambient night valuesInterior ambient light scalingAntialiasing Low, High and Ultra optionsSun shafts on moonUnderwater fog Analytics and Telemetry We have partnered with Super Nimbus and GameSparks to capture game analytics from Alpha 19 to Gold. We plan on capturing many things to help balance the game and improve the overall experience only generic game-play data all of which is already been covered in our EULA. For Alpha 19 we are capturing the most important data for balance and progression. Some things we are capturing include: Game simulation settingsHow XP is earnedHow players dieHow players kill enemiesThe speed of player levelingLoot Progression at key points We are not capturing and storing any personnel information from users such as IP addressesNamesSteam usernamesDevice NamesAnything that can be used to identify any particular user Alpha 19 b1-b180 Added Buffs’ icons caused by an outside source, not by an item action triggered by the player, will blink for the first 3 secondsIntersection block shapesAdded a Critical Hits journal entryBlock shapes that play nice with the new counter mounted sink meshEntity physics rigidbody uses the actual massBlock model entity enables LOD fadingTrader to Trader quests at each quest tier.Expand the LootQuantity passive to affect whole containersSuper corn can be used to craft glueCurrent POI to player section of debug panel Biome node systemTrader Hugh now specializes in firearms, gun parts, and ammoTrader Rekt specializes in food and seedsOptionsGfxResetRevision to allow resetting on startup Hotzone settings for Nav Object Compass settingsDimming of sun and moon light from high fog and moon phaseWorldglobal xml fogPowerJournal entry for stealthNew polished hardwood floorsEntityProjectile to allow syncing of spears between server and client as well as allow saving and loading of spears in chunksJournal entry for the Activity MapAnim controller SetFloat change threshold and idle time change threshold, but removed for zombies Stone axe hit organic soundsCustom toolbox and toolchest soundsAllow hay bales to scrap to plant fibers SetTransformActive updates reflection probe Console command gfx st budget 0 disables streaming and >0 enablesWritable Storage Box American Flag Version Flagpole Chair versions of plaid and leather sectional couchesPlayer stats UI shows values using tags if set Night is darker when the moon is not full Added POI name to dbs command screenshots Option to change size of FPS display Old Wild West Coffins Tough Guy Sunglasses that boost your fortitude. Found in loot and for sale at traders Allow XUi list ComboBoxes to be initialised with ints/floats from XML Allow enabling/disabling XUi SimpleButtons from XML/bindings Allow XUi controllers to react to binding changes at runtime Mem obj and mem objs console commands to list and shrink the object pool HD Biker Zombie Chainsaw/auger flesh impacts for melee & harvest.Added hits/grazes to all 3 tiers knuckles. Visual clue for text orientation on player storage crate Radiated vulture vomit attack sfx. Gfx st discard console commandSetup xml, localization, and icons for Gas Pump Remake Updated localization for Wild West Coffin helper Setup xml and localization for Bleachers Set destroyed concrete material “gfx graph tex mem” and “gfx graph tex stream” console commands “gfx st reduction” console command “gfx st” b/d/f/r console command abbreviations woodCross3x1, rustyIronCrossCtr3x1, and scrapIronCross3x1 3,1,1, multiblock variants for towers (solves issues with SI or not falling on collapse) tppoi window can be opened from ESC menu, also autofocuses search box now HD Office Chair (no new icon yet)Writable Storage Box Insecure to match textures when Writable Storage Box is downgradedNew gun fire effects for weapons that had been sharing with othersMissing tooltip for buffArmSplintedTooltipAdded new icons for new inventory management buttonsCreate digging animation for crawlersRusted Metal Roof Material“gfx texlimit” console commandMove items buttons for containers<>inventoryHigh quality water depth transparency and improved edge transparency, edge foam, waves and undulationsUtility_celltower_02Allow the complete freezing of zombies within the game (ctrl-num* toggles)Add chunk boundary markers that look like the land claim bounds box (Shift-num+ toggles) Changed Rough adjustment for loot drops. QL6 primitive items drop at GS 30. T1 start dropping at GS 12, T2 at GS 60, T3 at GS 105. You will always start seeing low qualities of a “new” tier first.Auger no longer has a low priority to be for sale at tradersCooking pot land mines cannot be picked upAdded dysentery chance when eating rotting flesh and raw meatRadiator only drop radiators when harvested with a wrenchReduced snow storm particle saturation and opacityHop seeds are now found in lootFood poisoning is removed, but some foods can now cause dysentery. Cooked foods now buff your max stamina varying degrees based on the tier of the food, up to 40 max staminaAcid barrels now have a chance to drop acid when harvested with the wasteland treasures perk Game credits are updated with new folks from the team addedSplints can not be used (wasted) when you don’t have a broken arm/leg. Plain bandages can not be used without bleeding. Sewing kits not without bleeding/lacerationImproved Light Manager light registrationPerkHealingFactor heals less regular health but heals critical hits up to 2x as fastPut skinny eaves on Canyon Mine buildingReplaced old flaming barrel effectReplaced old charged baton effectUpdated bullet\metal impact effectAdjusted some blood particles that were too brightReplaced old first person pipe bomb fuse effectOptimized Chunk OnDisplayImproved lights console commandImproved dynamic light fadingLight view distance to larger of MaxDistance or 150% of rangeMerged the rod&spring and auto trigger group modsRemoved old unused biomes: city wasteland, wasteland hub and cityInstead of starting the game with “over eaten” food/drink stats, stamina regen costs less food/water up to level 5Gunpowder crafts much fasterImproved RandomPositionGenerator funcs to allow points in water if not found on land or are swimmingHealing factor now heals critical wounds 20% faster with each rankScaled existing weapon recipes to accommodate three tiersChanged navezgane prefabs.xml and rwgmixer.xml to new namesImproved how in water, swimming and water level is updatedImproved water movement slowing and added slower turningBurnt forest friendly animals are now identical to the pine forestBurnt forest no longer spawns vultures and the burnt forest difficulty is on par with the pine forest Removed unused biome entries for legacy citiesScaled chicken bigger so it’s easier to target and findOptimized some chunk codeImproved pickup collider for dropped torchesUpdated snow tree sizes and replaced second stage growth stage with prefab variantUpgraded old plaid and leather couch modelsUpdated snow treesReduced sun saturation and intensity in snow biome spectrumBuried treasure loot guarantees dukes and ammoArmor items have less base durability. Armor perks increase durability more30% of the armor value of a piece of armor is generated by the quality levelFood/Water consumption converted to ISS v2.0. Both food and water stats increase up to 200 along with HP and stamina. There is no overeating/drinking but the first 20 points you eat above the cap will tick down more slowlyBackpacks have a chance to disappear (improved logging to show id, player id, removal reason and entity unload)Books, schematics, and recipes show in Mods tab at traderAdded commercial sink proxies and fixed sleeper fall setupsImproved map renderingAmmo piles, food piles and workstations to LOD fadeDart trap placement orientation hard to see in dim lightAudio Sources for body impacts to a much smaller radiusBody impacts audio source to custom rolloffRoll times and play probability are calculated from daily allottedSnowstorm to GameParticleLit shader and increased particle transparencyPerkHeavyArmor moved to the strength attributeQuest is now tracked before showing the toolbelt message about new questSmokestorm particle to GameParticleLit shader and improved color, emission, velocityUpdated Fir Large and Fir Medium with modern frond techniquesLights are fully disabled when turned offUpdated flashlightDecor, lanternDecor and porchLight01 lightsLens flares use less light intensity, dim with ranges less than 4 and disable at distanceAdjusted streetLamp_Classic defaultsDid a rough pass on Fall Behavior variablesBaseball bat is the T2 club, the steel club is T3Increased BulbFlare sizeStreet_light01 to shadow casting point light and dimmedLanternDecor to cast shadowsImproved GameObjectPoolLinear Color Space tree balanceMelee weapon 3rd person upperbody locomotion sets integratedLinear Color Space balanceTurret camera view to normal color with a little staticRenamed water jars for consistencyMagnum ammo is cheaper and has increased stack size.44 Magnum invoked the Rule of Cool and has increased range, damage and rate of fireGraphic quality preset FOV valuesOptimized BlockValueSpears are armor piercingSpears benefit from perkPenetratorIncreased sneak attack damage on blades and bows, lowered on sledgehammersVideo gamma option is now brightnessImproved default concrete materialNight clouds and fog now have a subtle blue tintMoon to phong shading plus ambient lighting and supports all phases and new fogUpdated blood moon spectrum to correct fog density and color modificationsShifted blood moon sprite color to fix the pink hueSun horizon light spreading and tintingThe table saw can not be crafted and is no longer needed to craft any recipesWood shape blocks like poles or stairs that were in odd places on the crafting menu are now found in the wood frame variant blockBiome affects player threat levelModified spectrums to support new horizon fog gradientMagnum model updated, points to new prefab, weapon anims, 1st person animsReduced player spawn in effect durationReduced global sky ambient saturationSpawning screen effect starts brighterLinear color space texture updatesUpdated Pine, Snow, Desert, Burnt Forest, and Wasteland SpectrumsImproved cloud renderingLinear color space texture updatesMaterial optimization and cleanupLinear color space Post Processing updatesCloud shader settings and source artHeight fog shader settingsWorld global ambient settingsPine Forest spectrum updatesReduced star frequencyLatest interior ambient balanceAdjusted Water Distant Surface shader to look like the near shaderRemoved SSR due to visual artifactsAmbient levelsUpdated fog spectrumsDefault sun saturationUpdated world global XML values Adjusted default interior light prefab values for linear color space Linear color space texture balance Chandelier prefab alignment to ceiling center for 2.5cm pillar compatibilityYongha’s New Hunting Knife model integratedReduced ground ambientLinear color space spectrum balanceSplit destroyed concrete shape into N,S,E,W segments for paintingNew Stone Axe model integratedTemp removal of fog to prepare for ‘s new exponential fogImproved Reflection Manager fix for when probes refuse to renderFirst pass sun intensity adjustments and weather fog reduction prep for new fogUpdated post processing to v2Lowered amounts of prepared food and drink at tradersEnabled linear color spaceDisabled post processing options until we can get this swapped out with 2.0Entity damage buffs store the damage remainder and use next tickOptimized 15 avatar controller parameter names to use hashesOptimized World GetEntity to do one dictionary lookupTerrDesertGround has more hit points and clay harvestRotations are now working on doorsConsistent LOD distance on all player lightsUpdating house_modern_06, small fix to sleepers in the master bathroom closetPerkMasterChef, moved ingredient bonus to T4Balancing and clarification on fore grip and bipod modsRemoved animator from steel sledgehammer and created new box colliderChemistry station no longer uses wood or burning barrels in the recipe. Instead, they use forged iron, more short pipes, and 5 acidSteel axe plays heavy woosh soundsMoved chili dogs, beer and Yucca Smoothies to rank 3 of Master ChefRemoved tree seeds from seed loot and tradersSalvage Operations now affects ratchets and impact drivers as well as wrenchesImproved entity speed replication difference checkRanged weapon AutoReload property to effect one shot weapon reloadBlunderbuss to not auto reloadSet hunting rifle and crossbows to not auto reloadExplosion resist is another random armor statNo side effects on steroids/recogClothing and armor pocket mods are named differentlyIncreased base water drain. (was less than food) Fixed inconsistent rotation on metal railingUpdating streetLight01 mesh and texturesChanged army truck to mesh colliderBurning shaft mod adjustments, can only installed in weapons and tools with a long shaft or bladeAnimal remains collider size increasedWorking Stiffs crates drop a minimum of 1 toolRemoved harvest and craftable clutter from working stiff loot cratesRemoved paper, polymer and junk from construction supply crates, buffed quantities of glue, duct tape and scrap ironUpdated beverage list in the game to include more drinks. Removed empty jars from beverage loot listChunkreset x1 z1 x2 z2 to not require last two parameters and check for huge areaDefault daily allotted for dynamic music systemRemoved item Sound_harvesting propLab equipment piles drop gunpowder, not nitrate/coalBullet casings in “junk” loot drop as brassIncreased ammo count in loot groups, ammo piles and hero chests drop an additional, guaranteed “ammo” groupCheap wooden chests or desk safes have less storage capacity, large storage boxes are tougher, gun safes have the same capacity as large boxesCube storages boxes show up in the “building” crafting tab with the other relevant crafted storage containersReplaced particles on third person “on fire” effect Coal burns longer than woodAdded testosterone extract to cigar recipePrice of paper is consistent with other ammo supply costsReduced chance for drink in refridgerators and increased chance for food. Increased quantity of eggs that spawn in fridgesUnlocked End reward chests in T1 and T2 POIsGamestage diminishing returns to a scale and set to .5 and difficulty bonus to a single number and set to 1.2Lucky Looter adjusted to be in line with the loot quality distributionBlunderbuss ammo only requires 2 gunpowder instead of 3Adjusted steel hatch colliders to improve ladder climbing.Reduced AI 1m jump distance Zombies have a faster/shorter jump land anim Decreased chance to find workstation schematics in destroyed workstations Reduced Blur shader samples by half Gas_station5 linear lighting and new art pass. Replaced flame effect on burning arrow & bolt Improved first person hands lighting when using burning arrows & bolts Reduced amount of painkillers in loot Quests per tier changed from 5 to 10. Removed unneeded small signs, street lights and trees from rwg poi list Linear color space balance on ammo display cases and gun racks Changed primative colliders to mesh collider on all cars Tier 1 quests no longer offer Armor, Weapons or tools as a reward Party size from 6 to 8. Store_clothing_02 new clothing wall racks.Utility_celltower_01 remadeReplaced tree helper with dead tree & smoothed navazgane terrainSounds.xml better tactical AR fire sound playback with auto trigger modUtility_celltower_01 navazgane terrain painting Updated flame effect on first person and wall candles. Updating old barrel fire particle effect. Campfire and forge tools have a small icon to show that they belong to a workstation Barrels are containers. Removed Texture Streaming video option and made streaming always on Ammo drops are less abundant in the early game, blunderbuss ammo and iron arrows can be more common. Closet rod and clothing piles destroy on loot Neon “Open” sign emits light now Loot probability templates normalised to 1 to make them usable in more situations Demoted exception to error (no console popup) when country can not be retrieved Item Type Icon to workstation tools. Items that cure a condition show 100% instead of an unspecified amount Updating steel club icon to match mesh changes Zombie bears drop testosterone extract Yucca juice recipe no longer needs water but is boiled in a cooking pot The stamina buff from cooked food does not count down while your food bar is full. Put a small weapon bag in survivor_site_02 Bullet casings now partially visible in iron sight aim for AK47Reworked laser attachment effect for desert vulture Boiled water does not cause dysentery Reduced excessive food value on super corn Merged heavy/light armor, all melee weapon and all ranged weapon loot groups for better performance due to fewer probability table lookups Schematics scaled in loot. Early on you will find more immediately useful ones like for a forge, basic recipes, seeds or medical bandages. Physics push to not angle down and if not on a ragdoll use x5 force Traders sell tech 3 weapons in the higher secret stash inventoriesRobo sledge YawRange changed to 170°, making it easier to place in tight quarters. Reduced entity damage on robo sledge. Increased block damage and perkTurrets affects it. Loot abundance to effect each item in the container instead of the master count Tech 2/3 guns are not autounlocked by the weapon perk. Go find yourself a schematic. Chainsaw and auger are not unlocked by perkAdvancedEngineering Slower recovery of the dynamic crit resistance that occurs when taking multiple hits from zombies Added more friendly animals to all biomes Enemy animals can spawn during the day in forests Chickens can spawn in forests now All animals respawn much faster than before 10% less resistance against stun and bleeding Blade trap hits don’t prime the demolition zombie Food max stamina buffs will not overwrite if an existing higher value buff is above half duration. Stone block destruction doesn’t fire heat events like wood or iron blocks Auto shotgun cannot use scopes for now Improved sleeper volume noise response Boars, coyotes, dogs, mountain lions and wolves can attack while moving forwardTemporarily disabled reflex sight as a visible attachment on the auto shotgunIncreased amount of small animals spawning in the forests and decreased larger animals. All small game (rabbits and chickens) and large game (boars, and deer) spawn every day or night at any time. Small game has a high chance to spawn, large game has a low chance to spawn.Enemy respawn time is reduced in the wasteland. At night, Zombies will respawn immediately, making the wasteland harder to survive at night Shotgun damage and auto shotgun rate of fire reduced. Added floats so spawning of zombies and predators are less predictable. Reduced stamina cost on iron harvesting tools Bandolier mod increases reload speed by 15% Removed candy tins, hub caps and air filter items from the game. Land mines no longer use candy tins, hub caps or air filters in their recipes. Land mines now need duct tape to craft. Candy tin mine can now be crafted in a backpack. Hub cap mine uses a nail instead of a spring Deprecated candy tins and other redundant items Cooking pot mine is also crafted from basic resources Normal entities load their prefabs and meshes on demand instead of during world load Reduced distance to backpack after death if no respawn point is set Block entities to load on demand using the object pool The object pool large pools to active pools which will fully remove pool objects and non active prefabs over time Added various scales to zombies so they are different heights Texture streaming to only use the main cameraStore_autoparts_01 updated to commercial standards.Updated lots of oldwest POIs with new artArt and new block update for house_old_abandoned_07Large Predator animals such as bears and dire wolves only spawn at night in the forests. Wolves have a very small chance to spawn in forests during the dayIncreased push up motion when player is stuck Increased chance of getting criticals on the 2nd hit Nerfed water cooler loot to drop 12 pure waters instead of 1 to 4. Player shader name to Game/UMA and removed 10 unused properties Increased chicken and rabbit run speed Command “killall alive” no longer kills turrets Biome generation now allows biomes other than pine forest to be in center Optimized Arlene texture sizes Optimized Big Momma texture sizes Optimized Biker texture sizes Renamed Arlene emissive to proper name and readded missing texture Blade trap repair cost reduced to not be more than its crafted cost Optimized Boe texture sizes Optimized Crawler texture sizes Optimized Darlene texture sizes Optimized Fat texture sizes Optimized player hand texture sizes (AO only) and fixed filtering Optimized Joe texture sizes Optimized Marlene texture sizes Optimized Mechanic texture sizes Optimized Moe texture sizes Optimized Steve texture sizes Optimized Yo texture sizes Optimized ammo piles texture sizes Optimized dropped backpack texture sizes Optimized Brute trash can texture sizesUpdated officeChair01 icon Optimized loot container texture sizes Optimized vehicle texture sizes Optimized non HD zombie textures Optimized animal texture sizes Optimized appliances texture sizes Optimized commercial texture sizes Optimized crafting texture sizes Optimized decor texture sizes Optimized door texture sizes Optimized electrical texture sizes Optimized furniture texture sizes Optimized gore texture sizes Optimized industrial texture sizes Optimized outdoor decor texture sizes Optimized plants texture sizes Optimized plumbing texture sizes Optimized resources texture sizes Optimized remaining entity texture sizes Optimized UMA texture sizes Updated existing weapon effects Light from gunfire now has smooth fade in\out rather than abrupt click on\off Gun fire light adjusted for the new brighter first person lighting Removed cntSuitcase from RandomLootHelpersSleepers always ragdoll on death Block ExcludeWalkType uses a name Bulk updated the POI imposters after concrete pass. Increased duration of the Charismatic Nature buff Improved sky fog sun punch through and to work with dark fog colors Console command “weather fogcolor” to use red for green and blue if those params not given “gfx st budget” to disable streaming before setting budget Separated sort button on inventory/containers from the window icon “Water Particles” video quality option to “Particles”, which now also decreases world particle count Deleted chunk water depth object creation, mat and shader Improved Low quality water transparency, waves and smoothnessWorlds’ splat maps support PNG again to reduce world sizesReplaced collider and shadow caster on car parts ramp40 prefab materials to use the crossfade shader100+ block entities to consistent LOD culling heightsTop tier foods sell for more dukes, and no longer have economic bundles of 5 but 1, so single meals can be sold Fixed Backfacing issue on road signsDrugVitaminsDesc needs to be updated to reflect fatigue cureReplanted missing ground under Rekt’s stairsAdded support to the waterwork’s fence, car removal no longer makes it collapseWood Black Overwritten with Wood Painted 3OnSelfDestroyedBlock && onSelfDamagedBlock were not yet functional with block tagsAdd storage pocket mod and cargo storage pocket mod to inventory crafting clothing tabTreasure quests no longer spawn underwaterToolsB linear color space balanceAnimals are not always removed after harvestWhite lines on edges of UI graphics. Collider hinders player movement saw horse block shapeImpact particles have material color overwritten when spawnedHandheld torch no longer burns underwaterUnable to harvest animals and collide with zombie corpsesChemstation emission light blinks in and out while moving around it AudioManager Play using wrong origin pos for SignalAI Trader Bob profile pic missing from UI Atlas. Handheld junk turret does not get the rate of fire increase from the perk Some objects have extremely small render distance Cars pop up when you harvest them God mode speed hotkeys not working for x and z movement If you catch a vulture on fire, the fire stays in one place while it flies around.Fixed don’t allow attacking while falling or while playing a forced root motion anim(landing behaviors) Particle scale on flaming zombies. ERR RemoveChunkTransforms !zone Stained glass albedo and transparency Incorrect shadow caster scale for Fir Medium Emissive light handling of block lights LightLOD overwriting original shadow strength Electrocuted zombies still attack while being electrocuted Fire anim is not seen when setting zombies on fire Destroyed blocks during join game process cause NRE on connecting client. Slow lens flare fade Street_light01 collider blocking flare List of glass blocks that are black Two paint textures are incorrect Solid plane showing in candle prefab. Upgraded wood planks seem to be too shiny Glass Pane is way too reflective including the frame Grass and trees not spawning on many sloped areas () Players could still be immune from a previous death at next blood moon Trees have some color issues since linear lighting update Trees change colours when falling. Removed 2 incorrectly placed blocks Global UVs, face hiding\collision on destroyed concrete set. Edge alignment on destroyed concrete set. Using turret inventory changed player camera when in 3rd person view Player model jumps forward of the player camera when accessing an auto turret inventory Shocked buff not following ragdolled bones You can have a splinted and sprained leg at the same time Collider tags using the same name for upper and lower arms Treasure quests now use Nav Objects. On perks like perkGunslinger you do not gain hit counters or benefits for hitting dead enemies Removed artifacts from plaster material The Iron Gut perk increases buff duration by 100%, not 50%, and the description on food/water is too vague. Sun shafts turning off early on sun Updated JoelRagdoll prefab with the new Joel2 model Fixing shadow casting error. Moon sprite distance so same as sky for correct perspective/horizon clipping Chandelier needs a bulb materialMoon has wrong orientationScale up basketball hoopSet roughness, metalness, and ambient occlusion textures to sRGB off for Autodesk Interactive assets Missing faces on some placements of destroyed concrete. Rockets using car explosion particle effect PerkFromTheShadows updated, stealth rules explanation improved on perkHiddenStrike. May end up doing a Journal entry on it but it’s a lot more consistent now so may be overkill. Barbed Wire block has buff issues, too large area affected Damage based camera shakes now working again Moon light intensity staying decreased from lightning Removed large scratch texture artifact Multiple Black glass materials caused by incorrect texture settings Being able to look under a water plane when above Wall light prefab set to wrong mode Green ambient values Broken leg buff resets on relog. Listed water cost on drugs fortbites and recog is incorrect Black industrial glass Clients on mp games cannot turn weather survival off God mode enabled message shows on joining game when god mode is not enabled Kicked while in camera screen spams errors and warnings in console Reduced grass saturation Dark cotton and Chrysanthemum materials in shadow Create window store set that has unbroken full panes of glass Foliage brightness fix for linear color space Tree branch brightness fix for linear color space Fixed tree trunks using incorrect internal speed tree shader to use speed tree standard shader for linear Spear stuck in ground disappears when player dies or relogs Stone arrows showing as generic bag SMG turret clips into block above it. Bike digging/destroying terrain on horizontal path and loses hp (new wheel colliders) When in god mode and continuing game you are still in god mode Rotations on some car components. Distant gun sounds not working Replaced old supply crate landing effect with new one. Electric fence wire causing PhysX errors in console Several more weapons had no sound if modified to auto fire Missing explosion on cars. Offset car explosions. Wood particles getting stuck on surfaces. Changed Item Compare to use Base Values. Show colored values for modded values in ItemInfo when not comparing. Ranged damage not updated in modify window when mod is installed. Fixed incorrect sound effect and visual in acid impact effect. Fire particles appearing in acid puke particle. Forge tool slots arranged in a logical order Fixing broken import scale on farm_plot fbx Trees grow on dedicated servers while the server is empty Illumination issue with iron and steel spears. Another Junk Turret/Mod dupe Motor tools too prevalent in their quest loot group because there is no padding M60 now has a custom collider box Wooden Bow does not require string tension Burning shaft mod isn’t toggling emissive on materials of their weapons Microsplat bleed issue on garage_5 in the wastelandPlayer getting stuck digging Zfighting on broken tile custom shape Player fall impact triggering on speeds of 0 Steel harvest exploits on safes Changing spectate mode did not send the change to other players Artifact in charred meat icon Breaching slugs destroy blocks just as fast as doors Allow POIs from towngroup to spawn in wilderness, if they have that tag Increase transparency of turret and motion sensor vision cones. Better Barter works on player vending machines. Spear vanishes on dismemberment Skill screen and quest screen now both are fully localizedStun Baton charge lost on missed attack Players can use flashlights to attack againRedo dead grass texture (hay bale) Brick_destroyed03 custom shape doesn’t show bottom face Filled back faces on animal remains Skill point cost tooltip does not always use localisation keys. Corpses starting with damage by attacks that do multiple hits Buried supplies quest do not fail if another player destroys the chest. Traders can be affected by knockdowns Fixed items sticking through the other side of some shelves Corner_round_plate shape makes adjacent wall faces disappear. Steel exploit with broken vending machine Wrench doesn’t have any glancing blows on power attack Linear color space balance on remaining ore models and terrain textures Iron and Coal boulders and terrain textures updated for linear color space Fixed mismatched knobs on versions of white house door Reinforced wood is not as shiny anymoreMac with AMD GPU has a chaotic screen blur effect Reflections on Mac cause wild issues Loot room sleepers don’t wake up until volume is triggered Zombies left standing after death for clientsOpen/close radial option texts for doors are now properly wordedSome window header backgrounds not respecting background opacity Drawbridges are no longer suffering excessive amounts of explosion damageBlade and turret traps causing standing AI on owner client Paint issue in treasure room of modular_06 Corner cupboard incorrectly deleting faces Several inconsistencies with visible shotgun attachments Gamepad doesn’t index trader inventory pages using right joystick Disabled K menu when not in world or POI editor White River Citizen quest shows 0m and points to 0,0,0 if trader is not found. Nailgun reload sound doesn’t play. Backpack loot bypasses the progression scaling Player’s own turrets will shoot player’s own robotic drone Junk turrets fall through stairs and any solid blocks below them when placed from a distance Business_old_08 upside down bookshelves.Prevent players from loading existing RWG worlds as they will be broken for A19 due to missing traders Business_old_05 upside down bookshelves. Corner cupboard culling faces incorrectly Prevent server DDoSThe perk HealingFactor works while player is supposed to die from hunger or thirst The Repulsor mod is now working Steroids add 50% run speed instead of the stated 10% Missing documentation for how the “soft cap” on overeating works. Wrong oven paint in apartment_brick_6_flr Falling window pieces in modular_03 Replaced faucet with showerheads in fire_station_02 BuffElementCold, buffElementFreezing, drinkJarRedTea, perkSlowMetabolism have no effect on food. Put proper shelving support in vic_13 Removed windowsidings from vacant_lot_05 perkTreasureHunter and/or Lucky Goggles are not speeding up treasure radius reduction Armor not resisting bleed buffs Factual and grammar errors in the Dysentery and Survival journals Wrong ingredient count on ammoBundleBlunderbuss Both robotic turrets/sledges jitter while aiming at their targets Trader setups have nonfunctional item quality parameters Robo sledge displays an ammo counter Several items state wrong recipe unlocks. Molotov now applying burning when entering the flames Fast Food 2 has suitcase poke through bathroom hiding spot Added missing bock to cemetery_02’s surface building’s ceiling Pure mineral water cures dysentery? Candle light not illuminating surfaces when standing too close to them wood texture seams on frames when upgraded are not lining up properly Better Barter 5 incorrect description False Max Stamina Buff from Healing Items Underground airpocket in Ranch03 Collapsing railing in fire_station_01 Z fighting with trimblocks and paint issue in modern_07 Applied paint to block behind comfy chair in modular_05 Adjustment to zombie footstep sound playback Knuckles harvest too quickly ( use attack speed ) Breaching rounds do not work on the Shamway safe Ratchet, ImpactDriver, SteelClub must now be crafted at a workbench Steel spear shows proper unlock info Scope mods are now visible on tactical assault rifle Robosledge does not display a ammo count anymoreBeer sign does not have a white line on texture Chest in funeral_home_01 now has loot Create world feature is functional againCan now place blocks around all lockers Identical look for XP bar and food/water bars Shovel hold animation is no longer used for all weapons and toolsUpside down door frame in apartment_adobe_red_5_flr Bar_sm_01 no longer has false cabinets Animals can not die from infection anymoreWeighted head mod is not compatible with blade mods on machete. Food does not heal after you eat broken glass. Also, please reconsider your diet. Fixed chainsaw and auger reload sound playback. Some farm plots cannot be planted due to stability Crate_storePrefab renderer was in TerrainCollision layer Gas_station5 billboard SI issue. Carlot_01 has beams that block entities Graph value updating on non repaint events First person weapon brightness values don’t match third person Player hands brightness adjustment due to auto exposure fix Back side of both flags have an alpha issue Prefab editor Ctrl modifier shortcuts overlap with other shortcuts “Path node otherHeight bad” warnings by allowing a small overlap RWG only generating 1/4 maps on dedi Tree poking through in vic_03SI issue with entertainment center in house_old_ranch_01 Removed the cabinet texture from the backside of the wall oven House_pyrimid_05 has si issue with loot crate in garage House_old_modular_08 has an SI issue with trim around the farm plots House_old_modular_08 kitchen cabinet helper blocks facing wrong way Chair clipping in medium junkyard House_old_victorian_03 chandelier is floating Si issue house_old_bungalow_02 attic furnace loot cover Salvage operations harvest amount does not scale as stated. (removed salvage harvest if the same resource is also on general harvest) NRE when trash and car share the same space Missing loot timer on store freezers Prefab Editor Able to place blocks above workbench helper block Marksman and Sniper aim to idle transition fixed Spear attack updated to prevent screen artifactsTimed Charge goes to unholster anim if ammo is availablePrefab editor update imposter function causing NRE when prefab is loaded from mods folder Crits trigger differently for clients and hosts Misspelled credit fixedChange right side header text info color to white Backpack disappears again Ratchet localization says wrong scrap material given Adjusted meshes on trim01.fbx for woodHalfPlate painting issues Molotovs no longer explode when dropped. Particle System is trying to spawn on player mesh with zero surface area (player arms) The description for Lucky Looter Volume 5 is very unclear, Remove magnification wording from reflex site Localization wrong for inventory on fill (middle choice) button CntStoreShelfElectronicsDoubleBottomGoods04 is not lootable and has no hitbox (missing TBlock Tag) Building floating base on rockResource block All 3 bows polished reload anims, blend times and weapon/player is in sync. Sniper, Tactical, .44, Desert Eagle, Pistol and M60 with fixed blends from ADS to reload. Crossbows default to a “no ammo” idle after fire. Particles in snow and desert cause major FPS drops Bombshelter_01 rwgmixer.xml update It is not possible to scrap yucca drink and coffee Copy sleeper volume’ misspelled in Prefab Editor MenuLow quality water was drawn too high in the worldBurntWoodBlock4 wad unpaintableRunning, reloading or changing weapons would not zoom back in while holding the aim buttonAiming while running would briefly try to aimMissing sign backface on street barricadeClient view distance setting ignored for player render distance Blocks with simple rotation enabled cannot be reversed with R key Prefab editor client does not render terrain sometimes Z-fighting and missing block in modern_01 Z-fighting in modular 7 Clipping tree in cabin_15 Z-fighting on house_burnt_02 Loot containers and store shelves aim\target fighting Zombies “popup” after knockdown stun while electrified Zombie electrocution anim starting late Zombie electrocution anim playing too long UpdateNPCStatsOverTime not playing damage effects (electrocution) if total health change was positive from regen POI Diner_01 shelving collider interrupts loot container Biker cannot fit under chain link pole in utility_waterworks_01 Cigar on Hotbar Adds Extra Str and Bartering Blunderbuss animates a flare from the muzzle when equipped Hands invisible when wearing Military Gloves Sticky projectiles prevent hitting blocks/zombies Perks that increase fire rate do not work until modification screen is opened and closed Steel armor parts are using same description as weapons and tool parts Journal updated for Treasure Map Journal Entry Arrows and bolts are not showing in weapons and not sticking to zombies properly Spears do not follow the entities they are stuck in 3 zombies can’t go through cabin_11’s doorway Zombies get stuck on trapSpikesNew Click Here To Visit 7daystodie.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
infeshy 0 Report post Posted November 8, 2024 priligy medicine stocks rose to a net 29percent overweight, the highest since June 2012 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites