We have removed several servers this past month and as a result, our current monthly expenses for September 2016, is $77.00.
Our current monthly expenses are:
$40.00 a month, goes towards hosting our 7daystodie server at SurvivalServers.com.
$6.99 a month, goes towards the use of our server manager at Envul.com.
$30.00 a month, goes towards the hosting of our website.
If you have any questions regarding our monthly expenses let us know. Furthermore if you would like to donate to help keep this community available, please make a small donation at http://www.redhatgamers.com/donations.html/. Donators will also receive perks as well as VIP Access if they donate $5 or more. Thank you so much to those that have already helped support us throughout all of these months, we couldn't have done it without you.