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Everything posted by Phallen

  1. Looks like server IP changed again. It's now Commands are down, envul needs to be updated?
  2. Changed my vote to wipe. I'd like explosives banned as well since mining with explosives is what caused the current physics issue but there wasn't an option for wipe and ban explosives.
  3. In my opinion it's not the deep mining that is the problem, it's the explosive mining deep underground (more then 20 blocks deep). When you use explosives to mine it throws blocks in all directions. Some of those flying blocks turn into blocks of destroyed stone. I am thinking that sometimes those blocks being launched by the explosion turn into blocks of destroyed stone inside the terrain around the explosion (above, besides, below) and that along with later on mining those "double" block with a pick or auger causes the physics break. I think this because frequently I will destroy a stone block and see the animation of a block falling as if it were an unsupported block falling to the floor and I get the notice of stone being added to my inventory at the same time and every single time I have seen that combination of events (black falling animation along with stone or iron or nitrate resource added to inventory) physics has then been broken. I think my area is particularly prone to this because I carved out the boundary and a lot of the initial tunnels from one side to the other with tnt. so even though I'm now manually mining out the area with an auger every time I run into one of those "double" blocks physics breaks. So far physics on the server is still working since the last reboot and I have stayed out of my mine. Commands (/zgate, /day7, etc) are down but physics is working even with other people mining deep with manual methods (auger or pick, etc). If physics stays running till tomorrow then i'll try to arrange a time where I can continue to mine out my area outside of peak hours when it's known that the server can be rebooted. I think once I have the area cleared out I can continue my build without affecting physics any further. If this vote does go the route of a server wipe I'd put my vote into banning explosives (not explosive arrows but pipe bombs, tnt, dynamite, flares, etc) all the things that launch terrain blocks in the air when exploding. anyways my $0.02
  4. Server needs a reboot. Physics snafu, and server has crashed a couple times this morning and commands are down.
  5. Upon next reboot to fix physics I'll stay out of the area I've been mining for 24 hours, Lets see if physics stays stable for that time. I've already long since discontinued explosive mining but the, lets call them Easter Eggs, are still found throughout the area i'm mining and every time I run into one physics almost always breaks. It has broken a few times when I was not mining but I have not seen that happen often, and with 150+ hours logged in the last two weeks per steam I am on the server just about all day long every day.
  6. never mind, looks like it came back up as i posted this. It had been down for a while.
  7. Vanilla vs. Modded

    Personally I like how it is now. Vanilla with the zgate function. I see the zgate function as a workaround for the busted minibikes and I don't consider that a mod in the sense that it's not adding different types of zombies, or adding the ability to make unobtanium walls by mixing human poo with rotting meat in a old washing machine that the flying feral zombie pigs drop Once minibikes have been fixed zgate or no zgate wouldn't make a difference to me. Edit: come to think of it, flying feral zombie pigs might be funny... no one really builds bases to protect from flying zombies
  8. Vanilla vs. Modded

    I don't think vanilla means no zgates. The server is currently vanila, there's a section in the server browser when picking which 7d2d server you connect to for modded servers. The mod packs do things like change stack sizes, modded recipes, etc. At least I hope vanilla still includes zgates. I voted for vanilla because I dont want those tweaks to recipies, stack sizes, zombie mods, etc.
  9. Well two of the 6 Envul says are online are me and Nevik34 which we are not, so I'd say Envul is still showing old cached data. Red Hat Gamers entry in the server list also shows as day 1135 01:14AM and has since the crash/freeze/internet outage. Not sure who can reboot the server when the game console is down. Then again this may just be a ploy to get us all using the web site
  10. Yeah server looks to be locked up. Same issue with lagged out on horde night and can not reconnect..