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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Vanilla vs. Modded

    Yeah, I think Piranha couldn't make it work for free, so he gave everyone lots of coins or raised the number of coins per kill alot. /Home and /zgates are the only thing that use we have for zcoins on this server, I think.
  2. Wiping is good every one in a while, but frequently wiping makes it frustrating for ppl to rebuild. Wiping at updates seems sufficient atm imo, but thats just my opinion.
  3. Vanilla vs. Modded

    They aren't in single player mode, or on many other servers, so I would think they are a mod of some sort. Not sure if they are considered a type of zgate or not. Zgates are /zgate visit (name). Each person gets to create three of their own with /zgate create (name). You never use zgates before I take it? You can see a list of public zgates with /zgate list public or private ones with /zgate list. You can delete your zgates with /zgate delete (name).
  4. If this is a ploy to get us on the forum, its doing a good job!
  5. Vanilla vs. Modded

    Vanilla means no /zgates, no /sethome, no /trader#, no warps whatsoever, right? I kind of like having some warps.... And what about /day7?
  6. It shows 6 ppl on, but apparently no one else can connect. Not sure is there really are 6 ppl on or if its locked up and just showing those six on. Who all can do a restart on server, just Piranha?
  7. I play as Arwen in-game

    He has his own computer, and his own steam account. We(me and my wife) bought two copies of the game to try it out originally, and my wife didn't like it, so my son just plays it on her account(and after next wipe we'll change her gamer-tag to anakin for him). No sense in wasting another $20-$25 on another copy when only 2 in our family play it. If anyone else in our family starts liking the game, we'll buy more accounts. All five members of my family have copies on their steam accounts of Everquest II, but we've stopped playing that. Was kind of hoping my whole family would like this one, as they all like minecraft.
  8. 3 word game!

    homework, so I...
  9. The Last Post Wins Game

    Happy Trump Day!
  10. Most Favorite - Screamers, they draw other zombies for me to kill! Least Favorite - Ferals, they waste my ammo, and I only get one kill, and the loot is the same as with any other zombie!
  11. Yes Or No Game

    Yes Do you like this forum?
  12. 3 word game!

    anger hairy wolf ...
  13. The Last Post Wins Game

    second.... what do we win?
  14. Trader Locations

    so much for you being able to buy an antibiotic and save yourself! and wow, you have ALMOST completely used up both of your 34464 ql guns, you must shoot, ALOT! and your better off using cornbread, and goldenrod tea as they give you wellness, and don't attract zombies. Your canned food and water likely don't give you any wellness, which explains your 70 wellness, . LOL
  15. Wait, if say in 10 years I got the money, and got said item, would I get banned for rule 13? LOL
  16. sweet, I only need like 243k more, anyone wanna donate to me, I should start a go fund me on this,
  17. Is this why server is currently down, for server upgrade?
  18. whoa, 34464 ql guns, nice, How do I get one of those, lol?
  19. I own battlefield 4, and combat arms sounds so familiar. I grew up on RPGs, loved them so much, I still have my old NES, SNES, and PS1. I shold brake them out and play some real RPGs!
  20. Sorry, I was meaning, if it's down, what else can one do for fun; not what to do to fix it... sorry, I might not have been clear on my meaning. I meant like, go bowling, clean my irl guns, go swimming in 20 degree weather, go watch tv with my wife, watch my kids play minecraft ( <--- not happening for me, game is way too boring these days), etc. I was trying to see what other things people do besides 7dtd, and hoping for some funny responses, too.
  21. Party Hard!

    See perfect time to drop tnt, lots of tnt, but thats banned, but you can imagine what it would be like! Cause I'm T-N-T! Dynamite! T-N-T! Hey! Hey! But yeah man, that totally looked like it sucked! No literally, like they probably sucked your face off! Sorry that happened!
  22. Hi, I'm Strider in-game, it's a15 for about a month, been on this server since a14, I thoroughly love this server. My son plays on it with me under my wife's gamer tag, Arwen, he mostly just likes to mine. I have a nice group going in a15, with Captain Crunch, Memoyolo, and ChaseTheTruth. I enjoy helping people, but that doesn't mean just giving you free stuff. Feed a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life.