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Automatick. last won the day on July 14 2016

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2 Neutral

About Automatick.

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  1. Hello hello, for some reason I am unable to post or reply to ANY posts on the forum. Not sure if it's just my account, but I've tried different threads but still no dice :/

    1. DJ


      I changed the permissions back to how they were before, where the supporters were in a secondary group as a supporter instead of being in their own supporters group with supporters permissions, if that makes sense for you. I will need to change the settings for the supporters group to fix this but for now it is working again.

    2. Automatick.


      That makes sense, thanks!

  2. Need another reboot. Super lag and commands are not working :<
  3. Looks like PVE2 server crashed. Also, possible restart? Mccrage called it!
  4. Building Stability Issues

  5. Building Stability Issues

    If it's possible at all, pve2 may need a reboot.