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Everything posted by DJ

  1. Settings also updated to not drop bag on death and 10 days for claim expiration.
  2. A16 - It Cometh! (soon)

    Server has been updated and is back online.
  3. A16 - It Cometh! (soon)

    I will try to get this updated soon.
  4. We have upgraded to commercial grade internet today for better reliability as well as having a static IP address for all our servers. The new IP address to connect to our game servers is: We are also in the process of launching 7 additional 7 Days To Die servers and hopefully they will be up sometime this week based on if we can get our network setup properly. Thank you to everyone that continued to play on our servers in the past with all the downtime and internet issues that have hopefully been resolved now.
  5. Dedicated/Static IP

    If this is a bug with their game then it should be discussed further on the 7daystodie.com forums. However if you favorite the server it should show up on the history and favorites tab. Maybe it only works for favorite servers and is some kind of bug but I'm not really sure. Hope this helps.
  6. From all of us at RedHatGamers.com, We would like to wish everybody a happy 4th of July.
  7. Server Updates

    Hi, our 7 days to die server is currently offline for updates to the latest experimental version. This process shouldn't take long. Regards.
  8. The server has been offline for most of today, I had my ISP come look at my internet to try and troubleshoot some connectivity issues. Regards. The server is now online again, sorry for any inconveniences that this may have caused.
  9. Since my apartment had gotten rewired and there hasn't been any problems with the servers internet disconnecting since my last post, I think its safe to say that this ongoing problem has now been fixed.
  10. Today we had new internet wiring for my apartment to replace the old and this should have fixed the internet issue where the internet would randomly disconnect everybody on the servers. This will increase the servers up time and make it more reliable. I will continue to test it and observe it as well as post updates at a later time. Regards.
  11. Hello everyone, I am debating about whether or not I should setup a community run server where specific members will be able to have private access to it to setup new game servers for the community to play on. This will be done via remote desktop connection to an undeveloped server where they will be able to setup new games for the community such as Arma 3, Rust, Minecraft, and basically any other game you can think of. Only new game servers will be allowed to be added to the community server, like the ones we currently are not hosting and will move to an official server if it starts to pick up, where it will then become a Red Hat Gamers Hosted Game Server. Like I said, this is just something I was thinking about setting up for the community and things may change but if you support this idea, let me know by taking the poll. Thank you.
  12. There sort of was scheduled maintenance today, I had someone setup a Cisco 2911 router to replace the old $30 router and to be able to have smoother and more reliable game servers. This process required the server to be offline during that time. Sorry for any inconveniences that this may have caused. The server is updated to b113. Furthermore, I will be finishing up the configuration on the new router and I will launch the game servers as soon as possible. Best Regards.
  13. Good news, a restart has fixed it and it is now able to be played on again.
  14. A16 - It Cometh! (soon)

    Yeah im unable to run both servers at the same time since it overloads my cheap router with tons of bandwidth and creates a noticeable amount of in-game lag. I do however have a Cisco 2911 that I need to setup that will fix this problem and allow us to host many more servers, unfortunately im new to these types of routers so im still trying to figure it out. Regards.
  15. A16 - It Cometh! (soon)

    The server is online now.
  16. A16 - It Cometh! (soon)

    After checking on twitter and noticing that alpha 16 experimental is now out, I am in the process of setting up a server for alpha 16.
  17. The internet seemed to be causing problems earlier, good thing its up and working again.
  18. Sorry that this has happened to you. I am in the process of upgrading the network to run smoother and to hopefully resolve this issue. I suspect it has to do with a basic, $30 router that we are currently using. Also I would like to have a ping limit but since this is still an early access game where anything can happen, I may need to remove it. Best Regards.
  19. Dedicated/Static IP

    The PVE server shows up on my end. I think it may be possible but I would assume that it would have to be changed from each players own version of the game. As far as the game server goes there isn't much that can be done if anything. I also think the list populates on a per player basis so some servers will appear quicker while others may not. A few times I have noticed that no servers would show up on the list and the only way to have servers repopulate is to exit out to the main menu and then re-click connect to a server.
  20. A server restart had fixed the problem and the server is now online and working again. Best Regards.
  21. Well it looks like the servers ISP has changed to yet another IP address: I apologize for this and I am planning on talking to my ISP sometime this week to fix this.
  22. The server is now under a new ip address: Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused.
  23. The person who creates the last post on this thread will win. Begin now...