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Everything posted by DJ

  1. Also, it could be the result of limited ram or possibly the excessive use of explosives that results in using additional server resources such as cpu and ram, to process these events on the server. Perhaps trying to ban players with tnt, rockets and other explosives could potentially resolve this issue as well, but since this game is early access and still considered as "under development", this physics problem could be the results of something else entirely and still may occur regardless.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Remember to visit our shop and take full advantage of all the Black Friday Deals that are available right now. These deals won't last long! Store.RedHatGamers.com
  3. Dealing with hacker bases.

    oh nice, that looks awesome.
  4. I could raise the ping limit or remove the limit all together but if a players ping gets too high then it could cause problems with the server. Therefore I have raised the limit from 400 to 450. Best regards.
  5. The ISP (Internet Service Provider) for our 7 Days To Die server has changed the servers IP Address to:, port: 26900. This is done automatically by our ISP, however the server will still be on the homepage of the server list regardless of what the IP is. Best Regards and sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused. I will also need to setup a static IP Address for the server sometime within the next day or two. More info about setting up a static IP Address on a Windows 2008 Foundation operating system, if anybody is curious to know, can be found here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754203(v=ws.10).aspx#bkmk_NetFndtn_Pln_CfgStatic08.
  6. Yes Or No Game

    No. Have you ever played Turok: Dinosaur Hunter on the Nintendo 64?
  7. 3 word game!

    to create a...
  8. The server is back online again after a crash that had occurred earlier today, if anybody is still wanting to know. Best Regards.
  9. Oh, you are most likely connecting to the servers previous IP Address. Try connecting to IP: , PORT: 26900 instead, since our ISP has recently changed the IP. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Best Regards.
  10. This sounds more like a game related problem and not a server related one since the server is currently up and running. What type of problem are you having? I'm thinking that I might could delete your players save data to fix this based on past experiences. Of course I would make a backup first so if it didn't work.
  11. I restarted the modem and now the internet and server is back online.
  12. What do you think would be best for our 7 Days To Die game server, vanilla or modified?
  13. Vanilla vs. Modded

    The forum settings allows for members to change their votes at anytime.
  14. Of course, the more money that can be raised will result in a better server or servers for the community. Donations are always appreciated but never required.
  15. issues loading the game???

    Server crashed so I have recently restarted it and it is working again. Best Regards.
  16. Vanilla vs. Modded

    Vanilla is an unmodified version of a game without any changes to the xml files that would create a more custom version of the game. Having that said their are server modifications as well as game modifications, for example the /zgate command is part of a server mod which is why the server comes up as an unmodified game in the server listing. So having commands and other server related modifications will still be considered as a vanilla server since the game itself would not be modified and altered.
  17. So it worked... haha that's funny, I never thought of it like that... lol Also the game crashed and I restarted it and it should be working again. Best Regards.
  18. Should we have a server wipe every x amount of days or continue to build without a wipe in 7 Days To Die?
  19. Site Updated

    The main menu in the header of the forums have been updated to be able to find certain parts of the forums more easily.
  20. Overall server performance wont be affected as much. However, in specific areas that have been built up very good and has over 30k blocks or more in one area, requires better graphic cards and more computer resources to render all of those blocks. Furthermore, since the server does not require graphics cards and instead only loads up just the file of that data and sends it to your computer, it wont be affected. If the entire world was built up and had big bases and homes everywhere then the server would lug down since it would have to send larger files of data but thankfully it hasn't come to that yet.
  21. Trader Locations

    Trader 1 has been purged and is now being regenerated. Thank you to those that had reported this bug. Your awesome.
  22. 3 word game!

    ran towards the...
  23. Site Updated

    Site updated with a new layout.