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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I leave these old threads open so that they can always be further discussed about or for commenting, however all they are is old and outdated threads. Since the time of this post, we have jumped from several shared hosting companies trying to find the best hosting for our server. After being hosted with all those 3rd party companies we had decided to switch over to a dedicated server instead for better performance. These crashes from our shared hosting providers most likely happened from using up all of the ram on the server due to having multiple game servers on the same machine. We have recently switch to a dedicated server on October 13th and it indeed has been much better and smoother with game play. Our recent SSD hard drive upgrade has also improved game play, regular players that were with us before and after the dedicated server agree. However, the new dedicated server is somewhat of an old relic in terms of servers but it still gets the job done. Upgrading the ram will indeed improve game play, since when their are about 25 players and 80 zombies and 9 animals, the cpu is at about 80% usage and the ram is at about the same most times. However if a player decides to go mining and it collapses the server will use up all the rest of the 20% of ram and the server will freeze. CPU and RAM would be an ideal set of components to upgrade but that could cost hundreds of dollars so RAM may be a better and cheaper alternative for now. I have also included some past screenshots of the performance tab in the task manager that I have been taking of the server to help show you how it runs on most days. The screenshot that maxed out and dropped down was due to a mining incident in the game and I had to restart the server.
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