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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I have saved most of the chat logs since I started saving them... lol... so I am just trying to find the best place for them. The chat logs aren't 100% complete since logs aren't recorded several minutes after the server has been restarted, when it disconnects from the server manager. Also, in-game chat is public access and can be viewed by anybody who logs into the server, so there really isn't much privacy to begin with.
  2. 1 point
    If you are curious as to why commands that you are used to using in alpha 14.7 are down and not working, then this post is for you! This question seems to get asked a lot and the reason for this is the server mod that we use that enables those commands such as /sethome, is currently out of date. This server mod wont be updated by its developer until alpha 15 is officially released and is out of its experimental stage. The most commonly used commands that aren't available at this time is: /sethome /home /zgate /zgate create someplace /zgate visit someplace /zgate delete someplace /zgate list /wallet /money /spawn /day7 /zombies /grablcb /location /who /gimme /gimmie /cure research /cure release /shop Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused and thank you for your continued support.
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