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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Stark and I have build a new killbox behind Zooters to for zombie farming and to keep the damage down at spawn. It will have a gate and there is already a tunnel connected to the Zooter's Mine entrance. Just follow the torches. B
  2. 1 point
    I love the current zooters. One thing I would love any kill event is having layers of protection that we have a fall back to. Spawn and the kill box are great for fishing etc, but there's usually very little danger... I don't - know something about the idea having to face being overrun if we don't work together to plug holes etc. Last night we had a couple spiders and ferals get inside zooters...it was a blast. Think old action movies where the enemy is breaking through and you have to rush to kill them at the bottle neck or fall back to the inner walls etc.
  3. 1 point
    Sounds pretty cool. I like the nostalgia factor of the project. Some of the past RHG structures and the Vault were epic. Although I will also say that current Zooters looks spectacular.
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