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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi! Im Romeurus and Istarted playing in this server for fewer hours. For me Its great server and I hope make a alliance againts zombies. See you in the field
  2. 1 point
    I should have filled this out went i signed on but im lazy i have been playing on your severs for a little bit now and just wanted to say hi to every one and thank the admins and everyone who keeps these severs running. And hope to help keep this going as much as i can. So lets have fun playing together. -Finn Madhatter
  3. 1 point
    Instead of doing that - the admins/mods can activate 'plot buy & plot lock' - it's an CSBM/envul add-on. Players would be able to 'buy plots' and have the option to 'lock' them - which would kick out/teleport anybody who is not on your 'CSBM/envul friend list' (you can add them by doing /friend add (name). The only problem which plots is that people can abuse it and buy up public areas - towns/stores and lock them down. Therefore if they do enable plot buys/locks, then they should charge a maintenance fee (should be decided). Doing plot locks would also prevent hackers from entering locked places - it should kick them out because they aren't friends with the plot owner. Also, you would/could have to make a 'zgate' for the shop. There is another mod where players can sell 'game server items,' but those are set in quality & etc, it'd basically be another 'server' shop, but the player can change the price. Or what you could always do is....ask them to make a deposit? - like say if they're paying with zcoins - a deposit of ~500, then you could either have them pay the difference, or something like that.
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