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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I really thought wiping the server was the only solution, but I like Cypher's idea. If there's a way to save my profile and exp and a fraction of my inventory while refreshing the map, that's the route I'd like to go.
  2. 2 points
    If indeed a wipe is needed, it is disappointing. I can understand for older players that a clean slate (wipe) is no doubt a welcomed idea, been there plenty of times myself but as I've literally just completed my base lol, I am totally not looking forward to it. So I would vote against the wipe, personally. Not only that, but I know that the issues your server is having may very well be related to issues that can be resolved without the wipe, such as overlapped or abandoned landclaims, removal of xml script that would prevent buggy items such as the minibike from being built and such through regional wipes. So instead of wiping the server as a whole, you'd be wiping regions that has been populated or messed with a lot. Also, you could save/backup player profiles to your server, so people who don't want the wipe, won't lose their experience and skills currently gained. I understand that some players my really desire the resetting of their character, and that's totally cool. I would suggest giving the option to your active players to request the profile backup, in the case that there is a wipe, or in the chance that you decide to do regional wipes instead in their areas. Players could gather in their inventory everything they want transferred to the newly refreshed map. Anyways, just a thought.
  3. 1 point
    I was able to sign now and it is running smoothly if you were having trouble before you should be ok now
  4. 1 point
    If we alter the loot respawn time we would be considered a modded server, and I believe Piranha is looking to keep the server vanilla. Initially I had planned to only do up to 2 cities out that are surrounding the Hub (NESW), in hopes it would help fresh spawn a little bit. As it is not in the rules to deter players from building in POIs - Shotgun Messiahs, Working Stiff, Pop'N Pills, Crack-A-Book, etc. Also /shop has a great variety of options to buy from~ But thank you for giving us your feedback as I will try to keep doing what i've done on PVE2 when I get the chance to - Skye☆
  5. 1 point
    Hey all just started playing on redhat game server moved over from crossbones gaming If you see me Mojp Risen in game feel free to say hello. Looking for someone willing to help me build a base please no mooching. Lucked out and found a bunker one of the best places you can find. So join me and lets kick some zombie butt!
  6. 1 point
    I would be sad if there is a wipe, but if the server is unplayable then I understand a last resort is always wiping just like a computer. Would be nice to at least keep my perks I have, which I know is a thing from playing on other servers that had to wipe. What ever happens I know its for the greater good and you guys did what you can.
  7. 1 point
    if cypher's idea is doable i'd prefer that. i'd be fine losing my base(s) and keeping exp and inventory. i'll admist i've been careless with landclaims in the past. having the option to pick them up could help prevent future clutter. if you do the reset, could you put in the lotto? whatever you guys need to do i'll deal with. this is still by far my favorite server. as always, you guys rock. thanks.
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